
Please tell ,how/where can i get the contacts of british professional architects?

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i am indian living at city-pune,state- maharashtra.

i am expecting some job work on autocad from u.k.

so,i need contacts of professionals living their.




  1. You should contact RIBA, the Royal Institute of British Architects.

    As for architects being "professional" when and where are they then? If you look at most British towns, they are an abortion of all sorts of hideous architectural styles, lumped in together like pigs in a sack. Architects? Don't make me laugh.

  2. I think you should do some work on your english.

    If I understand your question correctly, you would like the addresses of architectural practices in the UK so that you can solicit work, involving "Autocad".  If this is the case, you will need english of a sufficient standard to sell yourself and to communicate with your client throughout the engagement.  Put fairly bluntly, at the moment you have not a snow-ball's chance!

    The spellchecker is American and does not like practices!


  4. Get your own, they need theirs. come over and go to spec savers, cheeky sod. Whats wrong with glasses anyway? Great for drinks.

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