
Please tell me, if someone had a strong enough case against you why.............?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me, if someone had a strong enough case against you why.............?

Would you need to go get a signed sworn affidavit??

After the police investigated and supposedly they had a strong enough case why would you need to get an affidavit?

Some people are just not statisfied till someone pays for it I guesse




  1. Sorry, but your question is not very clear.  I'm not sure exactly what you are asking of us.  Would you please elaborate and give us another chance??

  2. An affadivit would be made by any person who is alledging that a crime has been committed by  the defendant.

    Our legal system holds that a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Facts and allegations are presented to the District Attorney's office who will determine if a crime has been committed and then proceed. A written affidavit is just another item that will be used to help determine if a case does exist in the eyes of the law.

    I hope this helps and you can find it useful

  3. An affidavit is sworn by the police officer to the judge to allow an is proof of a strong case, not anything else.

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