
Please tell me- Am I under weight?

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I am about 5'4 and weigh 99 pounds/45kg.

I am 16 yrs old.

Am I underweight? How much?





  1. No.  Because you're so young, that weight is o.k.  Just don't lose any.

  2. Yes. Your BMI is 17. Under 18.5 is underweight.

    I am 17 yrs old. 5'3 and 100lbs and I am underweight, so you really must be soo underweight.

  3. wow i wish i was that skinny?!!

    I put your weight into a bmi calculator, and it says your classed as underweight. Eat healthily (thats at least 3 square meals a day), exercise reguarly (at least 20 mins a day if possible) and you should remain at this weight, or slowely start to go up to what doctors would say is a stable healthy weight.

    I hope i helped!

  4. I'm the same age, slightly taller, and I weigh less. But my doctor doesn't seem to be particularly concerned, so if I'm not underweight, I bet you're not either.

  5. your 15 kg under wight, i say try gain about 8.

    good luck :)

  6. id say you're okay. but dont loose any weight.

  7. Yes, you are. Not horribly, but you should think about gaining some healthy weight. Start working out to add some lean muscle weight.

    A cheeseburger or two wouldn't hurt.

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