
Please tell me I'm not the only one?

by Guest55613  |  earlier

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Any parents out there w/ one year olds who are still getting up during the night? My son is almost 13 months and is getting up usually around 3 times, as well as waking the next morning much earlier than he used to. He is teething very badly, so I know it's expected. I just need some reassurance that there are other parents of toddlers who aren't getting any sleep like myself.




  1. My son just turned 2 - we often don't sleep through the night, either. He's just not a good sleeper and has a hard time putting himself back to sleep when he wakes up. I do feel your pain!

  2. my daughter will be one in the beginning of september and yes she still gets up about 3 times a night..i wish i knew how to make it stop!

  3. My 2 boys are 15 months and 23 months and they both get up during the night!

    Put them back and turn on light music

    Hope i helped

  4. Oh my goodness yes, I have so been there and am on some night still.  My daughters are 8, 6, and 2 and we are still up some nights. Good luck to you!

  5. Yes. Its happening right know as i type. My son is about to be 14 months in 2 weeks.He stays up,then wants to play, when I want to go to sleep!! But I stay up with him till he falls out.

  6. my son is 17 months and doing the same thing, he is cutting 5 teeth right now..

  7. I was about to start the "let them cry it out/15 minute rule" until I read that he's teething.  You know what?  That HURTS them, as I'm sure you do know.  My daughter's pediatrician said once that when our adult teeth come in it doesn't hurt because the gums are 'gummy' (for lack of a better word) or "smooshy"...but when those first teeth come in, they're breaking thru HARD gums...gums hardened by gnawing on things and nursing and such...gums that are hard in order to protect those same baby teeth that hurt our gums when they come out.  The ped told me it's a good thing it happens when we're a baby and can't remember...because as adults we wouldn't be able to stand the pain!  

    I feel your pain...and if you remember his pain then I'm sure you'll be better able to deal with the sleep interrupted nights out of empathy for his pain! :(  Good luck to you...and him! :)

  8. Since our daughter was around two months old she has been sleeping through the entire night not waking up until her daddy leaves for work at five in the morning, and then falling back asleep until around 8 or so.  Now it seems that she's waking up at one or two in the morning for no reason, and wanting to stay up and play when both her daddy and I want to get back to bed.  You're not the only one out there I assure you of that.  Our daughter is waking up moreso now since she's been sick with a runny nose and nasty cough, so she doesn't want to be in her crib, so that is a battle all in itself to try to even just get her down for bed.

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