
Please tell me a quote for saving endangered species ??

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Please tell me a quote for saving endangered species ??




  1. How about a poem?

    Ode To An Endangered Species


    Will you not leave us here too long

    We have not paid attention

    To squander the best of the world

    A pity we do not understand


    No more you fly in the wind

    No more the buoyant ripples on a pristine pool

    The splash of color in a worn-tore land

    No more

    The survivor’s sad lament

    Yet no weeping will there be when

    Your perfect, singular form


    The muted salting of a wounded Earth

    And all that is and all that ever was will

    In some way be


    For the loss, though unnoticed

    Will be recognized

    In the stillness of eternal night.

    Laurence Overmire

  2. LEAVE and let Live!

  3. When they're gone it's too late, we must act or adapt for their sake.    

    The more the habitat destruction continues, the more we lose and put at risk and this goes for every species.

    Good luck, they all need it

  4. Let them live their life free and  give them the environment to live their life safely.

  5. " Earth laughs with her children, don't make her weep; for you will not be there to wipe her tears."

    " Live in harmony with nature, if you want to be a part of it."

  6. Save a Tree!!! Eat a Beaver!!!!!!!

  7. "Why do you go to hunt, whatever you do and howsoever you try, you can never be Ethan Hunt."

                                       ANKIT SAHU

  8. If we don't do something,

    no one will.

  9. Extinct is forever.

    Yeah, kinda stole that off the Body Shop...!

  10. Plant a tree and save the planet.

  11. Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.  ~Benjamin Hoff

    thats all I Know. I suppose it works.

  12. One who saves a life, saves a generation & saves the world.

  13. Save them 'cause YOU CAN

  14. If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man.  All things are connected.  Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.  ~Chief Seattle of the Suwamish Tribe, letter to President Franklin Pierce

  15. 1. Take nothing but pictures; kill nothing but time.

    2. When the buying stops, the killing stops.

    3. Save our Rainforests!

    4. Let them be!!!

    5. Destroy the environment, the environment destroys us.

         Take care of the environment and the environment takes

         care of us.

  16. save them...................otherwise who will save u?

  17. I saw a sticker on a car window with a cute Coala bear on a eucaliptus branch. It said "No tree - No me"


  19. Stop wasting your time . No one really cares.

  20. There is in every animal's eye dim Image and gleam of humanity, a flash of strange light through which their life looks out and up over our great mystery of command over them, and claims the fellowship of the creature if not of the soul.


  21. "Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright

  22. Saving the Planet...One animal at a time...

    That's all I've got....Best of luck!

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