
Please tell me about my blood test?

by Guest45315  |  earlier

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i had a whole blood count recently

WBC-12.7, RBC-4.87, Hemoglobin-15, Hematocrit-44.1, MCV-90.5, MCH-30.8, MCHC-34, Platelet count-202, RDW-13.9, (White blood cell differential count) LY%-31.5, MO%-5.9, EO%-3.5

Please tell me if my test is OK that is normal or is there any problem.




  1. ...and you haven't contacted your doctor?

  2. You should set up an appointment with your doctor.  He will explain all of your results with you.  Some doctors will explain them over the phone, so you might want to call and see if they do that.

  3. There are mild derangements (I assume you are male), but in the absence of knowing the indication for these tests and/or your presentiing complaint it is difficult to offer sound advice, my apologies.

  4. Looks normal to me. White count is a little high but not worrisome (perhaps you have a cold or something).

  5. Your white blood count is on the upper end of normal, but each lab sets its own normal range and it should be on your report.  If you have been feeling poorly lately it might be elevated.  You don't appear to be anemic (hemoglobin and hematocrit), and the rest of your parameters look pretty normal.  You left out the neutrophils on your differential, but by elimination they would be about 60%.  That is a pretty normal looking differential, but again, look at the ranges on your report.  Looks pretty good to me.

  6. My answer is to not bother going on answer sites and get the answer from some people who mostly know next to nothing about blood, getting a bad answer stating that you'll die then going all panicky about it. Contact your doctor.

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