
Please tell me about the LPO company's in Bangalore?

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Please tell me about the LPO company's in Bangalore?




  1. Intellevate

    Currently, Indian law does not allow foreign law firms to practice in India. Hence, some law firms in the US and India are setting up subsidiaries so that they do not practice law in India but provide such IP services only for export purposes.

    For example, Schwegman, Lundberg Woessner and Kluth -- a law firm that is headquartered in Minneapolis -- has set up two captive centres for one of its subsidiary, Intellevate, that are located in Delhi-Gurgaon and Bangalore.

    Intellevate currently has over 80 professionals in India that are involved in prior art searching and patent proof reading and soon they will be providing most -- if not all -- of the services mentioned earlier.

    Some of the niche players are IP PRO, Patent Metrix, Pangea3, Mindcrest and Quislex. Prominent BPO players include the likes of Evalueserve, Datamatics, WNS and Manthan."

    Another example of this is Nishith Desai and Associates, an Indian law firm with offices in Mumbai, Bangalore and Palo Alto, whose subsidiary IPPRO has over 10 professionals located in Mumbai.

    And, yet a third example is Patent Metrix, an Irvine-California-based law firm, which has an Indian subsidiary with 15 to 20 professionals in India.

    Another good example is General Electric that has more than 60 IP professionals (within its GE Research and Development centre in Bangalore) and these professionals seem to be involved in most, if not all, of the services listed.

    In other cases, a few US-based law firms have started joint ventures with their counterpart law firms in India. A good example is Cantor Colburn, Esq that has joined hands with Lall and Sethi, Esq in India.

    However, since most joint ventures generally fail -- especially in India -- one needs be cautious while treading this path. In addition, there are third party vendors that provide such services to law firms.

    Apart from this, there are also various service models. In one case, the invention disclosure is directly sent to an offshore IP services' company, say in India.

    This company assigns one or more IP professionals who work in close coordination with the inventor(s) to appropriately draft the complete specifications and claims and prepare all drawings.

    The "final" draft of the patent application is then reviewed, modified and filed by the client's US patent attorney or by a US patent attorney contracted by the Indian IP services' company. In this model, the US attorney typically spends eight to 10 hours.

    Alternate models require the US patent attorney draft the claims whereas the offshore IP services' company draft the background, provide the supporting specifications, draft the summary and abstract, and prepare the figures.

    Again, the "final" draft of the patent application is reviewed, modified and filed by an appropriate US patent attorney or agent, who usually ends up spending 10 to 12 hours or more (per application).

    Besides helping the US patent attorneys in drafting patent applications -- in part or in its entirety -- many Indian IP services' companies are also providing a technical assessment of the prior art cited by the patent examiner during the prosecution process.

    Furthermore, depending upon the requirements of the US patent attorneys, these companies are providing anywhere from the basic material for drafting the response to the corresponding professionals drafting the complete response to the examiner's objections themselves (which is then reviewed, modified and filed by the US patent attorney).

    However, since the "unit" of this work is small, the savings in cost are not as significant as during the patent drafting process.

    Nevertheless, even in these situations, such offshore IP services' companies can do the "heavy lifting" by studying the prior art cited by the patent examiner and they can usually save substantial time for the US patent attorney who can now use this time for doing "higher" end work, that is, IPlitigation.

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