
Please tell me all the pros and cons about homeschooling! I really need to know! Thanks :)?

by  |  earlier

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I am a student trying to convince my mother to let me do this, since i have done alot of research annd think it would be best for me. :) thkns again




  1. I have a suggestion for convincing your mother.

    You have done your research so this should be easy.

    Create a report with your computer.   Use MLA style and lsite your resources.

    Hand her your report and ask her to read and grade it.

    If you have done your work well, she should be impressed.  Then, tell her that this is homeschooling.  

    You did the work and you learned.    You can continue to study and learn for the remainder of your high school years and learn more than you would have learned in public school.

  2. I did Home schooling for mist of my Primary school years and i have to say, it was awesome, i could sleep in whenever i wanted and if i got hungry i could go to the kitchen and make a snack, i could listen to music while i worked sometimes i would even watch a movie and i could learn anything i wanted, if i woke up anf felt like doing math, i could do that all day and if you get all your work done really early and i don't mean in the day i mean all of your set work, you can extend your school holidays i managed to have 4 extra weeks once it was great, but of course the one downside is your out of the loop no more dances, you don't make new friends or have the interation with other people on a daily bases and you end up spending way to much time with your family, unless your a crazy person a like your family like me, well hoped i could help.

  3. I was a homeschooled kid, I've got your answers.



    Seriously. I couldn't have asked for a better education. I got to pick what I was learning too.  To an extent, anyway. I had to do all the basics, like math and english, but I decided to teach myself Latin and Spanish. As well as other courses.

    You can finish at noon. I woke up at about 8 a.m. everyday, started my school work at about 9 a.m. and then was done at about 1 p.m. or even earlier.


    Yeah, you're not at a school with the other kids.  But you would be done before them by the end of they day if you did everything you needed to.

    Diploma: Well, if you are doing it through some type of program, you'd get one but I just went and got my GED and called it a day.

    Staying at home all the time. I hated that part of it.

    Are you are student about to begin homeschooling or a parent thinking about it?

    You can email me if you want,, i can go into more detail.

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