
Please tell me following average cost in the turin(Italy)?

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1) Three star or less hotel cost per day (without foods) in euro currency?

2)Normal Meal for lunch?




  1. A three star hotel will probably cost from Euro 100 upwards. I know of a few hotels that are offering prices of around Euro 60 at the moment as it is low season. You can click on the links on my Turin page blog to find if their are any deals available at present -

    A meal will cost around Euro 10 to Euro 25 per head depending on where and what you eat.  These are my favourite restaurants in Turin -

    None are very expensive and you eat well in all of them

  2. There are a number of three star hotels and even some 4 star hotels in the range from 55 euro to 100 euro right now, but you should check specific dates if you have a particular time in mind. Prices can go up significantly if there is some event going on. For example, a hotel room in Bologna that normally goes for 99 euro is 369 euro on the 24th of October (probably through the whole week). There are big trade shows going on then.

    You can check at This is the list for Turin sorted by price: You can also choose hotels by location on a map of the city and see reviews by past guests.  

    The other comment is correct about prices for lunch. At many places, you can check the selection & prices on a menu before going in.

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