
Please tell me how i can keep safe my blog and move it to another where such as Y!mash?

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Please tell me how i can keep safe my blog and move it to another where such as Y!mash?




  1. I believe the Yahoo!360 Team said they were developing a "transition" tool to help you migrate to the newer platform.  It will also give you the ability to "back up" your 360 pages.  

    Yahoo!Mash is beta only and does not have a good blogging tool.  It would be best for you to wait until the new Universal Profile System becomes available, possibly 1QTR08.

  2. If it is currently on Yahoo 360 there will probably be a way to move it to Mash in the future.


  3. YMash does not have a blogger at this time.. but to save them to a file on your computer so that  when they do the change over you will be sure to have them you can do this.

    Open up your blog page and at the top you have the option to see the blog full view or list view.. choose list view..

    This will bring up a page with all of your blogs listed .. each has its own line.. right click onto a line and then choose from the drop down menu that comes up SAVE AS

    When the popup window opens save the blog as a HTML DOCUMENT into a folder  some where in your computer such as MY DOCUMENTS.

    If you decide to post it on another blogging site.. when you open up the file it will open up in HTML code.. so you have to have a blogger that lets you use that option.. most of them do.

  4. The only sure way to completely save your blogs yourself is to copy the HTML source code of each entry and any extraneous content.

    You could transfer to another service (such as, which has a transfer tool), but that doesn't mean that you will easily be able to transfer back to a Yahoo blog.

    So, please see my blog here regarding backing up your 360 blog manually:

    and answers here:;...

    Y!Mash does not have a blogging feature. Y!360 blogs only show up in Y!Mash via an RSS feed module, which you can read about in my previous answer here:;...

    But that's not really a good storage solution.

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