
Please tell me how to help my 22 yr old son's social anxiety?

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He has Tourette's and epilepsy and is in his 6th semester at attempting college. He is uncomfortable with himself. His neurologist has tried many medications which do not work and have terrible side effects. Counselors have not helped either. I told him to go to the church on campus and put his malady in God's hands and he won't do that either. This has been a severe problem for over 3 yrs.




  1. My brother has epilepsy too and it often gets him down in the dumps. He says he hates everyone making a fuss and feeling sorry for him so we dont make a big fuss of it anymore. He is on dilantin and epilim, the combination of the 2 works for him, and it has been over 8 months since he has had a grand maul fit, and before that it was almost 18months!

    I know how it is to live with someone who has this disease it is hard, maybe you can just use some tough love and ask him what he wants you to do?

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