
Please tell me i need 2 no?

by  |  earlier

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ok im only 12 but this boy i like said that hes made out b4 and cutled but i have no idea what hes talking about can someone please tell me???




  1. you don't need to worry about making out and cuddling for a few more years, you don't want to make a mistake you might have to live with the rest of your life.

  2. first thing you need to know is how to spell

  3. hes probably thinks that telling you that will make you feel inclined to make out with him. You should wait though.

  4. Making out and cuddling are two things you don't want to get into at your age. Please talk to a trustworthy adult in your life - preferably your parents, but if not a teacher or youth leader at church or synagogue. Please don't make the same mistake so many others of us have made!

  5. just say no.

    and be firm with it.

    making out and cuddling is definitely NOT for your age.

    these things are to be reserved for your husband-to-be.

    i don't believe in premarital s*x.

    because that is a thing you'll regret doing later in your life.

    hope this helps.

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