
Please tell me if i have a mental problem or not?

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i can honestly say that my biggest fear in the world is is that one of my close loved ones die.. for example when my mom goes to the grocery store not far away, i think she's taking a long time coming home, and when i call her and she doesn't pick up, i think of the worst things that could happen.. like maybe a car accident or something bad. i pray to God, and keep circling around and being nervous and u know, freaking out. then when she comes home, i thank God. it's pretty much the same thing everytime when i am worried about the smallest thing involving a family member. my mom is usually the same way, (stressing over small things) so is it possible that i could have gotten some kind of stress genes from her?

i tell myself that when one of my family members die (hopefully not before me) i will run away from the world and live for nothing, and try to forget everything.

when i pray to God at night, i pray that my whole family will die together, so no one will feel sad for eachother's death.. i pray that a "silent bomb" will kill us altogether.. a bomb that will give us no pain, just instant death. (i don't know where i got "silent bomb" from.. just something that popped out of my mind from somewhere)

are these signs of depression? i'm only 13 years old.. at times i feel like i am the only one that freaks out this much. am i, or am i not alone?




  1. hormones plain and simple. youll grow out of it the same thing was with me sometimes but now im good. but you probably will over anlyze things for the rest of your life. it just means your smart

  2. You're definitely not alone first off.  And it does sound as though you're suffering from some sort of anxiety/panic disorder.  I'm not a doctor though so I can't give you medical advice.  I can tell you that you should talk to your mom and get her to take you to a professional.  It's not at all uncommon and they'll definitely be able to help you control those feelings!  

  3. You have to have some counseling, talk to your mother and tell your worries.

  4. No, I think we all go through something similar like this.  You are still young...I thought about that a lot too.  It is something you just need to wait out. It will pass.  I used to always worry that my parents were going to die soon so I would try to take advantage of the time.   It's a good way to live for the day, but not good for your mind.  Just relax and don't fret. God has a plan for everyone, and if it is there time to go, then it is.  But you shouldn't worry about it, you can't control life/death.  Relax!

  5. you are probably just a worry wart!

  6. reading your question i knew you were young,

    i used to be kind of like that years ago (im 27 now)

    you will change,

    I say is that you are normal,

    after a few years you'll get to a point where you dont see things that way, and you wouldn't care that much in that fashion

    you just need experience, you need to see the world and grow up, thats all,

    hope i helped you :)

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