
Please tell me if this is okay?

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Okay so i have 2 questions : am i too fat and if i loose weight will i get shorter, cause i dont want to get shorter. Here's some stuff about me:

Height : 5'4

Age: 12!


cause i read a 17 year old was 110 pounds and it made me feel so fat and stuff :/

please help me!




  1. First of all, you are not fat!

    Second of all, losing weight makes it seem like you are shrinking because your clothes seem longer and that can be scary, but don't worry you wont lose an inch in height.

    The most important thing to remember is that magazines and TV beauty ads are targeted to make you feel horrible about yourself to buy their beauty c**p. Be comfortable with yourself, you have a lot of growing and developing to do and you are way too young to start dieting, it could mess up your development. Not to mention stunt any growth in height you have left!

    A lot of people will tell you not to worry about it, but it wont stop the little voice in your head that makes you feel bad. Take a deep breath and do something for yourself everyday that makes you feel beautiful. Focus on your strenghts and try to achieve your dreams and you wont have time to listen to people that try to put you down. You have your whole life ahead of you! You go girl.

  2. Your not FAT at all don't worry about it. If you want to do something just stay in good shape. It will make you feel good about yourself. Maybe go on a run every once in a while. No you won't get shorter if you loose weight.  

  3. Losing weight won't make you any shorter.  Because you're  at the tender age of 12 and prepuberty. Puberty is the stage  where in you do most of the growing.  Therefore, you shouldn't try to lose weight.  You need protein for a balanced diet and nutrition  and energy.   No, 109- 110 lbs is a normal weight  for a 12 year old. Uour're not fat at all.  Go and verify this with the school nurse

    From the below site comes this question, how much should a 12 year old girl weigh?


    That link below will take you to a growth chart that physicians use to follow your height and weight. It is also based on if you are 12 years 6 months old, or 12 years, 3 months, etc. so figure that out first. You are about 50th percentile for a girl if you are exactly 12 years old and will be about 5 ft 4 inches tall when you get to be 19 or 20. For someone exactly 12 years old and 5 ft 1 inch tall , they should be about 92-85 pounds according to the chart




    well it all depends on your build. You could have a very small frame or have lots of muscles. anything between 90lbs and 155lbs is fine. but at 12, the body is still changing. give your self a few years before thinking about losing or gaining weight and be healthy in the mean time.



    You shouldn't be worrying or even thinking about you'r weight at that age! …. Go and ask you'r school nurse, they tell you the truth! =)



    I'm 5'1 and I weigh 7.5 (seven and a half) but I'm older. Anywhere around this (maybe from 7 stone to 8 stone).



    Are you the 12 year old girl?



    go to and compute your BMI, body mass index, it will tell you



    I'd state anywhere from 98-110Ibs ^_^

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