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It was ripped apart.....

I can feel it mending together...

These dead tissues re-animate their color..

The rain clouds are forming....

This dry river-bed begins to moisten...

My face peaks from the shadows...

Sunlight grasps my cheek.....

It heats my frozen skin....

The tears begin to crust...

I organize my tools...

I pierce my flesh with hope

I mend my doubt with prayer

I let time begin to heal

Determination overtakes my expression

My eyebrows begin to slant

My fist begins to tighten

Whitened knuckles and bulging veins

Intense heat begin to hug my ears

My toes clinch the dusty earth below

My chin Points high to the skies

The jawline looks down again

I recall the doubt that comes to mind.

I look at my own reflection

It has the same face as I

I shatter it with confidence

I take up my arms for warfare.

Love,acceptance,and contentment.

I embrace the Void to fill it.

As I step out into the light,,,

I feel prepared.

To face this long and grueling fight.

Known as Life.





    thats really good!!! its so in depth and emotional! brilliant!

    i wish i could write like that. or put that emotion into my drawing.

    and to whoever said it belongs in poetry not philosophy...its so deep and philosophical that yes it actually does belong in philosophy.

  2. Yes Poppet,I enjoyed this very much.

    You have a very descriptive way with words.

    Keep writing,the more you write the easier the flow.

    Then words join as one,for all to understand and enjoy.

    Well done Poppet.

    And Thank you for sharing.

  3. I'm confused by the first and fourth verse...they seem a little out of place, like the subjects don't flow with the other verses or I'm not getting the connection or something.  Otherwise, it's good.

  4. No. This is philosophy not poetry.

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