
Please tell me in as nice a way as possible what it is that you dislike about the stereotypical Christian?

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Do the Christian people you personally know fit that stereotype? Please refrain from being rude and insulting. Oh and keep in mind I am speaking about Protestants, not Catholics.




  1. I've got no problem with Protestant Christians.  They are generally good hearted, open minded people

    I mean, belief wise I could never accept association of partners with God - but charecter wise I have no problem with Protestants.  They're good people, alhumdolillah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. I don't really know of Christian people and their practices other than the basic things........

    I read some place that Christians(don't know which type) balding the head of young girls in order not to let them be ignorant of beauty and girly things, their hair are cut from the start and they are kept as workers or might be said, maids in the house of God.

    I don't think that might be very common now but I am not sure either what it really is!

  3. Im muslim, and since im a muslim, i dont generalize. in my world, theres no stereotypical chrisitian. i have friends, and i have people that dont like me. i think stereotyping is wrong and ignorant, and no two people are te same.

  4. A stereotypical Christian? Well...let's ignore the rest of them and get to you think women do not have equality in Islam, you think men in Islam treat their women like property...I don't asked a question last time about why Muslim women have to pray in the back and why they couldn't speak of religions, give lectures and whatnot...then you said, Christian women are given those rights and have more freedom than Muslim women...

    you also said "Until women are allowed to do these things no Muslim woman can say she is 100% equal to a man. In Christianity women are allowed to do these things and many more", can you explain these to me?

    “In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.” Paul, 1 Timothy 2:9-15

    Is that what you call equality in the Bible? Women in Islam are given more rights than that. Here's more:

    "Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the Lord...Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." Ephesians 5:23.

    And more?

    "For man did not come from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man."

    I say, the Bible sure supports equal rights for men and women.

    As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. (NIV, 1 Corinthians 14:33-35)

    "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16

    Conclusion. There is no way for a woman to have 100% equal rights to that of a man because a woman is not exactly 100% man. There is equality in Islam, more than in Christianity. And every Muslim woman can say they have equal rights as men do. In fact, we have more of a right to say that we have equality than you do.

    Thank you, this time, try not to ignore it :)


    I have no problem with anyone who is devout and follows their faith as much as they are able to...but i have a problem with people telling others that they are wrong and need to change in order to be right under their standards...i have a problem with people judging and criticizing other peoples beliefs before looking into their own...


    you religion has progressed over time? well...that means it's no longer your religion...if you follow a religion, you follow it 100% and not say it's changed and progressed...saying that it has progressed over time means that it needed progression...meaning it is not the perfect faith...meaning you do not accept your own faith...

    When you said "Until women are allowed to do these things no Muslim woman can say she is 100% equal to a man. In Christianity women are allowed to do these things and many more"...that means that in "Christianity" women are allowed to do no's Christianity you are not allowed to do's another problem i have...the fact that you change everything according to time, claim that it is Christianity, and say that you have the rights...that's not Christianity...that's doing what you want because you feel it's wrong but still label yourself as a Christian and don't accept its teaching....


    In Islam we recognize the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran as holy books sent from God via prophets...We believe Christianity had the same true message that Islam and Judaism had...but because of people like you, that book is no longer error proof...there are many verses that were manipulated so it can "progress"...You've got the Old testament, why a "new" one? the old one wasn't good enough? why all the versions and different edition of bibles? protestant Christians use different versions of the bible...i'm not attacking you here...i'm just saying things straight up...why do you have to "paraphrase" the bible so that people can understand it? We do not change the Quran...people must learn the Quran in order to understand why change the Bible instead of getting people to just learn it in it's original Aramaic text...that's how it should have been a long time ago so it could be preserved...and 100% error free...


    To have to be kidding me...the rules that applied 1400 years ago still apply today! the Quran addresses all mankind for all, are you saying it would be a problem for Christians to follow the bible since it's even older than the Quran? listen...we have no problem following the rules 1400 years ago because those rules are made to apply to everyone at every time...the guts? we don't say its wrong because it isn't....we can still practice our faith the same way it was practiced 1400 years ago...we don't have a problem with about you stop trying to find excuses to why you can't stand or have a problem with Islam, and lets discuss your question...that stereotype i had about many Christians has just been "proven" correct by can't even stick to the don't accept the laws...if you put yourself under the category of a one and act like take it all or leave don't pick and choose...that's the BIG problem i have with your way of thinking...ask anyone else here of they agree, i'm sure the majority will, Muslim or not...

    Listen, do us all a big favor and just respond to the quotes i put up from the bible...and tell us how exactly you can consider yourself a Christian and be against the teaching of the can you allow yourself to say that since we are in a different time or era that you need to "progress" with what the bible teaches...the law of the bible can still apply today, it's just that you don't want to follow about you stop replying with more excuses about why you have a problem with Islam and avoiding the things you can't even answer about your own about you tell us the problems with your religion instead of ignoring it by coming up with more excuses of why Islam is about looking into your mistakes before trying to find it in others...that's your real're not even at ease with yourself and your faith...

  5. i dislike the fact that they wanna convert anybody they see, ive been approached several times in that way, and when i say, " im ok where im at", they go bananas. lol i believe in the term; if you build it, they will come. i dont bother you, so dont bother me.

    and whats up with the people on sat. mornings knocking on my door? its sat morning, i wanna sleep in. lol there just as bad as telemarketers.

  6. I personally try not to judge anyone based on religion. I'm not religious but my sister converted when she met her husband and is now Presbyterian. I think what people have a problem with is the idea that someone who is Christian or has strong religious beliefs will judge them or looks down on them. People also worry that Christians will try to convert them or that they can't express their views fully around them. I don't think you should dislike someone because of their religion, but I also don't think religious people should try to push their beliefs on anyone else. There is also fear that Christians will be hateful towards other religions, and especially toward the g*y community, and an idea that Christians are close minded. The other general assumption is that Christians are ignorant and believe in Creationism. I would never want to be around anyone, Christian or not, who thought it was OK to be hateful about those different from them, and I would find it very difficult to have intellectual respect for someone who didn't believe in evolution.

  7. There is nothing I dislike about Christians. But I strongly disagree with the ideology Christian Zionism.;-)

  8. no , i don't dislike anything about catholics or protestants ,stereotypical or not , why would i?

  9. Not much; they're my friends in school.

  10. I don't understand- - what do you mean "not Catholics"?  They are not considered Christian?  I thought they were.


    Oh and Christians are like any other people in the world, some are cool and trendy, others are lame and dorky; some are nice and some are not- - just like anyone else.


    Oh, I'm not sure- I don't know what a stereotypical Protestant is.  I live in NJ, I know there are many many Catholics because of the big Italian community and Catholicism is in the majority for the Christians here.  I'm sure there are other kinds of Christians but not sure who is what.  Again, in life I think it's just better to look at the individual.

    I think for me where I live, Jersey kind of overrides other stereotypes for people.  Everybody here just acts Jersey no matter what they are.

  11. I do not know exactly what you mean by the stereotypical christian because you know as well as I do that there are many different kinds of Christians.  That being said, since I grew up in the south and my experience has been almost exclusively with evangelicals, I would have to say my  only pet peeve (and it is a stereotype because I know from personal experience not all Christians or even evangelicals are like this) is those who have that need to "witness".  I find their attitudes extremely arrogant, self-righteous and frankly quite annoying.  Moreover growing up in the church I found that those people were the ones usually with the most skeletons in their closet, which makes their attitudes even more unbearable.

  12. They dont investigate the truth.

  13. nothing

    Christians manner were always better than so-called Muslims

    I only hate it when Christians attack Islam

    and of course I consider their religion wrong since it conflicts with Tawheed

  14. I don't have a problem with Christians. I go by charactar and actions not religion. You have hypocrites, good and bad people in all religions.

  15. If someone is not a Christian and does something that supposedly goes against the Bible, a Christian will get in their face about it and try to force their beliefs on them.  I'm not saying no one else does this, but Christians are notorious for it.  I think they should just let others live the way they want to and just back off.

  16. the only time i have anything against them is if they are trying to push their religion on you. people need to make their own decisions in their own time, and not everyone has the same beliefs. and just as some people are offended by seeing people displaying crude symbols on their t-shirts or using foul language, others can be offended by the constant "bible talk" and it can seem like the "stereotypical Christian" is placing themselves ABOVE others and looking down on them, when what they should be doing is accepting others for their differences and for who they are. No one person is any better than any other person just based on their beliefs about God. And good people should not think that their religion makes them superior. Everyone has the freedom to believe or not to believe and kudos to those Christian or not who are not ashamed to say what they believe in.

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