
Please tell me on this beautiful day, what is one thing you are truly thankful for?

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I am truly thankful for my beautiful son growing inside me.




  1. i am thankful for having good friends

    and being in the top 15 rankings for JV tennis ;]  

  2. That my children are happy and healthy, and my husband works hard so I can stay home with them.

    Congrats on your little one.

  3. Waking up & seeing my granddaughters sweet little face.  I am also grateful for this beautiful weather outside & grateful that I am healthy enough to walk in the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.  Have a pleasant day.  

  4. I am thankful for so much. I am thankful that GOD has given me such a great life with 2 great children, 1 on the way and a great husband. I could not ask for more then what GOD has given me.

  5. That is so awesome! I'm thankful that I don't have to go to work tomorrow, and that I get to go to church instead.

  6. Yes it is

  7. I got to spend the day with my 4 1/2 year old son.  We went to the county fair, rode rides, animals, it's just fun to be with him and see him discover things.

  8. That my husband was given another chance of life when he recieved a heart transplant at 28 yrs old, three years ago. It has made us sit up and take notice that we are not guaranteed a long healthy life and so now we take every day as though it was our last and tell our children at every given opportunity that they are special and we love them more than anything in the world. My husband got ill from a virus which attacked his heart, and left him virtually bed bound for nearly 2 years. Before the virus he was healthy, attended the gym regularly and never smoked or taken drugs etc. It was a total shock to learn he needed a transplant as every other medication and surgery was no use. Luckily he was lucky and was allowed the chance to live his life again. Others arent so lucky.  

  9. Taking a breath. But, I can not take it deeply, when I think about people who are in a bad condition.

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