
Please tell me should i accpet this apology?

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I done asked this but i need answers im very lost lol but please help me PLEASE AND THANK YOU

My ex textd my best friend cause i had to block him cause at the time i couldnt get ova him so now he told my bestfriend to tell me to get ahold of him so when i unblocked him i texted him and asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted to tell me that he was sorry for been an *** to me and his sorry for hurtin me cause he always put me down but this is like out of the blue i havent talked to him in like 4 months until 2day so should i accept his apology? But see me and him has had our ups and downs and he has had more than 5 chances with me now and im in love with a totally different guy but see he doesnt know this and if his looking for a friendship i think he would want more than i know he wants..... but yea i just want to really know what should i do his my first love and his the one i lost my virginty we was 2gether for 10 months back and forth please tell me should i accept

Last night we talked and he told me that i would always have a place in his heart and that i can have it at any time wether my new boyfriend found out or not i still could have it and then he told me that i would come back to him at any time and i think thats true i still care and love him but not that much but i still want him back for some reason i think if i start talking to him its going to ruin the realtionship im in now which i dont want it to im torn apart i want cody but heath is i dont know i think tryiing to use me i really need help?????????????





  1. You can accept his apology but that doesn't mean you have to get back with him.

  2. accept the apology. it took a lot of balls for him to approach you like that and trust me, you will feel MUCH better once you do. it will be like a weight lifted off your shoulders. however, i feel like you need some time away from him.  keep dating this other guy. see how things go. if you still have feelings for the original guy, act on them. if not, dont. but dont rush into getting back together with just be friends and see where it takes you!

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