
Please tell me some legends

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  1. Yeah i love legends. XD. Does greek mythology count? This, to me, is one of the most beautiful and profound myths. Its called:

    The Story of Echo and Narcissus

    Our story begins with Echo and Zeus. That ever-cheatin' God was at it again, this time with the young nymph Echo. Now, at that time (just in case you may have picked up on the significance of her name) Echo was a nymph like any other and a very talkative one at that. They were making out or making love or whatever, believing that all was well. But Hera was NOT a happy camper. She had followed Zeus, expecting JUST that kind of behavior out of him. She came down to Earth to apprehend her "too-much-love-for-one-woman" husband, but Zeus, being godly, sensed her coming. He instructed Echo to keep Hera busy until he could get away.

    Echo did just that. Hera confronted her with the affair, but Echo created a long and very untrue story for Hera, giving her lover enough time to escape. Now, Rhea (Hera's mom) didn't raise no fool. She knew she had been tricked, and by a nymph at that! She turned on Echo and declared:

    "That tongue of yours, by which I have been tricked, shall have its power curtailed and enjoy the briefest use of speech."

    From that moment on the talkative Echo could barely use her voice, and could only repeat the words that those around her said. She was lonely, and couldn't really talk to other nymphs because of her condition, and secluded herself deep in the woods.

    One day, a very handsome young man came along. His name, surprise surprise, was Narcissus. Echo fell in love with him at once. Echo wanted to call out, "Wait! I love you!" But her voice was frozen in her throat by Hera's curse. The young man went deeper and deeper into the forest, until he came upon a calm stream. He was thirsty and so he bent over to drink, but as he leaned over he caught sight of his reflection in the water. He was as taken by his beauty as Echo had been, but without her barrier. He immediatly spoke to his reflection, "I love you." Echo, nearby and hearing her chance quickly responded, "love you . . ." But it was too late, Narcissus was too engrossed with himself to notice the nymph. His love was his obsession and would not leave the stream to eat, nor disturb his image to drink and so he died of thirst and hunger and unrequited self-love. Where he had lain a flower grew, the narcissus, the same flower that wooed the innocent Persephone. Poor Echo pined away and died for the same things, but when she died not even her bones remained, some say they were turned to stone. But Gaia preserved Echo's voice, the one thing she had been denied in life, and to this day her voice sounds everywhere.

    Another story of Echo excludes Narcissus altogether. In this version she was educated by Nymphs and taught music by the Muses. She fled from all men, and loved her virginity. Pan became angry with her and attacked her music because he couldn't touch her beauty. He made the goatherds and shepherds insane and they ripped poor Echo apart and flung her pieces across the Earth. But Gaia buried them and preserved their beauty and the Muses decreed that they would forever sing out, imitating all things.

    Hope I helped XD

  2. A long time ago, some animals looked different to the way they look now. Kangaroos had no tails and wombats had high, round heads.

    Mirram the Kangaroo and Warreen the Wombat were good friends. They lived together in a hut that Warreen had built from tree bark.

    They liked being with each other, but Mirram liked to sleep outside at night and he made fun of Warreen who always wanted to sleep inside.

    "Come, Warreen, sleep outside with me" said Mirram. "It's much better to look up at the stars at night and listen to the fresh wind in the trees."

    "It's too cold outside" snuffled Warreen, "and sometimes it rains. I might get wet! I like sleeping in my hut with a nice fire to keep me warm."

    Mirram the Kangaroo would not accept this. "Your bark hut is dark and smelly. It is much better to sleep out in the clean air under the bright stars!" "No, thank you" said Warreen. "I will stay in my hut where I am comfortable."

    Mirram was impatient. "You are too scared to sleep outside with me. You are frightened to feel a little wind." "I'm not frightened" snuffled Warreen. "I just like sleeping in my bark hut!"

    Mirram kept on taunting Warreen, until one night the wombat agreed to sleep outside. During the night he got really cold and waddled back inside the hut. Kangaroo laughed at him.

    All summer they played together as friends, but Mirram sometimes still made fun of Warreen's hut.

    Things changed when winter came. The wind became colder at night while Mirram slept outside. At first he didn't mind. He snuggled up to a tree to protect himself, and laughed at the thought of Warreen in his smelly hut. "Wombat would not brave the wind like me" he said to himself.

    The wind became stronger and colder. Mirram curled himself into a tight ball, hugging his tree.

    He told himself that the wind couldn't hurt him - he wasn't afraid. When it began to rain, he muttered "a little wind and rain won't hurt me. I'm not afraid."

    One night, blasts of wind lashed the kangaroo with raindrops that felt like icy needles. Mirram was so wet and cold, he couldn't take it any longer. He struggled onto his hind legs and blown by the wind, hopped slowly towards the bark hut.

    Wet leaves"It is me!" screamed Mirram, banging on the door. "Now, let me in!" "No!" yelled Wombat. "There isn't enough room."

    Mirram's teeth were chattering. He became very angry and pushed hard at the door until it opened. "I'm inside now - and you aren't big enough to throw me out!"

    "H'mmph" snorted Warreen. "Well, sleep over there - in the corner. You're all wet and I don't want cold rainwater dripping on me." Wombat stretched out near the fire again and went back to sleep.

    Mirram lay down in the corner, but there was a hole in the wall of the hut and the wind and rain came in. He couldn't dry himself or get warm. The fire went out, but Warreen didn't notice. He snored as he slept and laughed every now and again, enjoying a nice dream. This made Mirram more angry.

    In the morning his body was stiff and sore. He hobbled outside and picked up a large rock. When he came back, Warreen was stretching and yawning as he woke up. Mirram dropped the rock on Warreen's head, flattening his forehead and making his nose curl around

    "This is for not helping me get warm and dry" said Mirram. "And from now on, you will always live in a damp hole. Your flattened forehead and cold home will remind you of last night."

    After that, Warreen and Mirram didn't speak to each other or play together and Warreen planned revenge.

    He made a big spear and waited until Mirram was busy washing himself.

    Then he threw the spear with all his strength and it hit the kangaroo at the base of his spine. Mirram yelled in pain and tried to pull the spear out, but it was stuck.

    "From now on, that will be your long tail" yelled Warreen, "and you'll never have a home to live in!"

    That is why wombats now have flat foreheads and live in dark, damp burrows underground and why kangaroos have long tails and always sleep outside, under the stars.

    The End  


  4. the legend of Bagger Vance

    William Tell

    Sleepy Hollow

    William Wallace (Braveheart)

    Robin Hood

  5. Well there is this one legend, that if you ask a pointless question on YA, you will get reported...

  6. william tell

  7.   Disney movies, look up true story of rapunsel, the big bad wolf, little mermaid, what your kids watch are actually  horrific stories they transformed into movies.

      The Little Mermaid lives at the sea bottom with her father the sea king; her grandmother; and her five elder sisters, born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she is allowed to swim to the surface to watch the world above, and as the sisters become old enough, one of them visits the surface every year. As each of them returns, the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their descriptions of the surface and of human beings.

    When the Little Mermaid's turn comes, she ventures to the surface, sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him from a distance. A great storm hits, and the Little Mermaid saves the prince from a near-drowning. She delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until a young girl from the temple finds him. The prince never sees the Little Mermaid.

    The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. The grandmother explains that humans have a much shorter lifespan than merfolk's 300 years, but that when mermaids die they turn to sea foam and cease to exist, while humans have an eternal soul that lives on in Heaven. The Little Mermaid, longing for the prince and an eternal soul, eventually visits the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue; the Little Mermaid has the most intoxicating voice in the world. Drinking the potion will make her feel as if a sword is being passed through her, and walking on her feet will feel like walking on knives. In addition, she will only get a soul if the prince loves her and marries her, for then a part of his soul will flow into her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries another woman, the Little Mermaid will die brokenhearted and turn to sea foam.

    The Little Mermaid drinks the potion and meets the prince, who is attracted to her beauty and grace even though she is mute. Most of all he likes to see her dance, and she dances for him despite her excruciating pain. When the prince's father orders his son to marry the neighboring king's daughter, the prince tells the Little Mermaid he will not, because he does not love the princess. He goes on to say he can only love the young woman from the temple, but adds that the Little Mermaid is beginning to take the temple girl's place in his heart. It turns out that the princess is the temple girl, who had been sent to the temple to be educated. The prince loves her and the wedding is announced.

    The prince and princess marry, and the Little Mermaid's heart breaks. She thinks of all that she has given up and of all the pain she has suffered. She despairs, but before dawn, her sisters give her a knife that the Sea Witch has given them in exchange for their hair. If the Little Mermaid slays the prince with the knife, she will become a mermaid again and live out her full life.

    The Little Mermaid cannot bring herself to kill the sleeping prince lying with his bride and, as dawn breaks, throws herself into the sea. Her body dissolves into foam, but instead of ceasing to exist, she feels the warmth of the sun; she has turned into a spirit, a daughter of the air. The other daughters of the air tell her she has become like them because she strove with all her heart to gain an eternal soul. She will earn her own soul by doing good deeds, and she will eventually rise into the kingdom of God.

  8. FOR over a thousand years, storytellers have spun tales of King Arthur of Britain, his Queen Guinevere, and the circle of his noble Knights. Why do these stories endure? How does an outlaw in Lincoln green with a taste for disguise and foolery survive for six hundred years to inspire disguised tricksters from Alta California to Revolutionary France to the farthest reaches of the galaxy?

    How have these songs and stories twisted and turned over the centuries, and how have they defined our expectations of heroism, romance, and adventure?

  9. Legend of Bagger Vance, lol it's a good movie, you should check it out.

    I'm sorry i know that's not what you meant, it just came to my mind.

  10. The epic of Gilgamesh a hero who searches for the 'Philosopher's Stone which is [immortality].

  11. There are a lot of legends, and you can find them in lots of books (check the Social Sciences section of the library.)

    There are some very famous legends, such as the tales of King Arthur and his knights and the poem "Beowulf." But there are many others less well known, and it can be very fun to read them.  

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