
Please tell me the html/java code for adding comment box to website?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me the html/java code for adding comment box to website?




  1. Think about what you're asking for. You want a comment box on your website. Presumably, you already have a website setup, and you have access to change it.

    Apparently, you want it to be HTML and/or Java. Really? It can't use CSS, or have JavaScript validation? It can't use Flash? You don't want it to just use HTML/CSS and a server side scripting language? Cos that'd be much easier for both you and your visitors.

    And if you do use a server-side scripting language, as 99.99% of other web feedback forms use, what languages are available on your server? Do you have any particular preference? Do you know any scripting at all?

    And where do you need these comments to be stored? They must be stored somewhere after all. In a text file? In a database? Have you considered that at all?

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