
Please tell me the process of making bio-diesel from crude jetrofa seed oil?

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If i have crude jetrofa oil, then in which process i'll be able to produce bio-diesel and what types of machinary will be required?




  1. Press the fruits, filter them.  Ouala..oil.

    It may need fractionalizing to remove oils less combustable, but otherwise, use methanol and lye to estrify.  Then you have real biodiesel.  Plenty of web sites showing specifics as well as supplying equipment.  where do yo live that yo have so much Jatropha?

  2. It's exactly the same as from any other fat.

  3. A diesel can burn all oils ,even lubricating oil. U must filter it to remove all material that could stop up your injectors. Do not use gasoline or lighter fuels as the explosion can destroy your motor.

  4. depends on how you are going to use it

    if you have a heater system on your fuel system you may not have to do anything or you may have to warm your engine on diesel with regular diesel fuel then switch to the jatropha oil.

    it my mean you will have to put on a fuel line heater that heats the oil with radiator water.

    just try adding a little methanol alcohol to the seed oil.

    then add a spoon full of sodium hydroxide.

    mix for a few minutes

    after it sets for a while the soap will settle out.

    the non soap part is you fuel.

    the soap part may be sold to soap makers.

  5. What kind of equopments you are having at present.

    What is the source of Jathropa seeds.

    How much land you are having for production.

    How much you are willing to invest at present.

    Beased upon the volume you want to produce per day the method and technology varies.

  6. TNAU has a hi-breed machine to extract bio diesel. It is priced at about 2.5 Lacs.

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