
Please tell me what's wrong. Please don't be rude. I need serious answers.?

by Guest64250  |  earlier

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I'm currently in a relationship right now. My girlfriend has an ex-husband or should i say soon to be ex-husband and they have a kid together. They just married each other because she got pregnant. But the guy just left them even before the baby got born. So the child is 4 years old now. And we've been together for almost 2 years. Everything is just registering to me just now. Like, it's just now that i started getting angry thinking of his ex, knowing that what we're doing for almost 2 years is immoral. Guys, i love her very much, but i'm more scared of committing more sins.

Oh, BTW, her annulment has not been filed yet, so technically she is still married right?

My question is this:

Do you think that i made the right decision of asking her to work on her case first before we got back together. And not seeing each other until the case got approved or the annulment approved? And i told her that whatever she needs, i'm on her back all the time supporting her. But we have to lay low because it might void the case. I love her, but i am just too jealous and too selfish to think that she is not wholly mine.

Please guys, i need some good answers. And don't be rude please... Thanks.




  1. Yes, I think you are doing the right thing. If you love each other and the relationship is to survive you will both be happier that you did the

    right thing. If you are having jealousy problems now it will only get worse as time goes by. Work it all out and things will be much better as  you will have a clear conscience.

    Good luck.  

  2. why are you worried about this now you should have been worried about this 2 years ago why did it take her so long to getadivorce 4 yesrs is a long time to be seperated  

  3. Well at least you admitted that you sinned the first time,and as long as you have ask for forgiveness,I think everything will be alright. Yes you did the right thing, this way you both do not do anything else wrong in the eyes of the lord. Just wait until everything is finalize then proceed with your relationship together. Good Luck and God Bless You both,I hope everything works out for you in the future.

  4. I totally agree with mortiicia3. You should wait till the divorce is final. I think its ok to see eachother or at least talk to stay on the same page. Setting a realistic date is a fantastic idea. This will encourage her to get the ball rolling on the divorce and will prove weather she really does want to be with you or not. If she fails to make the changes then you need to let her go. There are tons of good women out there. Dont get hung up on one that is attatched to someone else. You have the right to be jealous over your female mate. She is to be yours and only yours.  

  5. You can't help your feelings, and you may be feeling this way because this situation has gone on too long for you.  If you are normally not a jealous person, then your developing jealousy could be a warning sign.

    Marital break-ups often take a lot of time to work out.  You run the risk of her lying to you and not really being serious about developing your relationship together.  She may want to have her cake and eat it too.  That happens to many people who get involved with a married person.  She may feel ambivalent about  breaking ties with the spouse, especially if a child is involved.  In fact, she may not really want to do it.  She may even harbor secret hopes of getting back together, even if she doesn't openly share those feelings with you.

    You should set a specific (yet realistic) time-frame ( a specific date) by which the old relationship should be over, finished and severed.  If that date comes and goes and it isn't, then you need to stop sacrificing yourself and back away from the relationship to protect your own mental and emotional health.  You don't want to be strung along endlessly because life is too short and yours is passing you by.  If that's what she's doing, she doesn't really love you.  It's not fair and she should let you go and get on with your life.

    Of course, I could be wrong.  I don't know you or the woman at all.

  6. I think you are doing the right thing it is best to wait until after the divorce. Why can't they go ahead and file for the divorce? Then y'all can be together.

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