
Please tell me what limerick is

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I want to know if this poem is a limerick.

There is a book called "Quake, Quake, Quake"

and in that Paul Dehn wrote ‘Ring-a-ring o’ neutrons, a pocket full of positrons, a fission! A fission! We all fall down.’

If ithis is not a limerick,

please tell me what kind of poem this is.




  1. thats not a limerick im not sure what poem it is. it sounds like a rip off from "ring around a rosie" a nursery ryhme

  2. A limerick is a poem  in which the first two lines have a certain beat like da da, da da, da da. and then the next two lines are da da, da da

    and then the last line gos back to da da, da da, da da

    Hickory Dickory Dock is an example.

    Hope I helped!

  3. a limerick is, by definition, "a silly ryhme or poem."

  4. A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict (metrical pattern) form, originally popularized in English by Edward Lear. Limericks are frequently witty or humorous, and sometimes obscene with humorous intent.

    The following example of a limerick is of anonymous origin:

    The limerick packs laughs anatomical

    In space that is quite economical,

    But the good ones I've seen

    So seldom are clean,

    And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

    The oldest recorded poem fitting the metrical pattern is from Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274):


    Sit vitiorum meorum evacuatio

    Concupiscentae et libidinis exterminatio,

    Caritatis et patientiae,

    Humilitatis et obedientiae,

    Omniumque virtutum augmentatio.

    Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274).

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