
Please tell me what this dream means and why it occurs so often.

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I'm g*y and my boyfriend is bisexual, I am starting to have a weird series of dreams that keep occuring like every night and they repeat.

It starts out with my boyfriend sitting on the bathroom floor with a gun in his hands. The door is closed and locked. I am on th other side frantically banging on the door yelling for him to stop and trying to convince him to open the door. He never does. I never hear a gunshot, but he never leaves the bathroom alive. Next comes a funeral. None of his family is there, not even his father, but all of his friends are there, including me. We are all wearing black and standing outside around his black casket. I take interest in why the grass is so green [I've never seen greener grass in my life], and the fact that everyody is holding umberellas, yet the weather was perfect [sunny, blue skies]. I have a black rose in my hand that I guess I'm supposed to put on his casket. there is a slight wind that blows my black hair in front of my face [I do not have black hair]. I then drop the rose, and start to walk away, this song always plays at this part [it's a song called Just be by Dj tiesto.Here is the lyrics.I was lost, And I'm still lost,But I feel so much better,'cause now I know,It's not so far,To were I go,The hardest part,Is inside me,I need,To just be] everybody turns and watches me shocked as I walk away. Then I realize, that I am him.

I really need somebody to break down the whole thing of what they think it means, I've put it in dreamcrowd(it's the most viewed on the site) but it's rather confusing, and the other person who interpreted it was confused at some parts.

Please help. Thanks




  1. he might be cheating on you. re-curring dreams are trying to tell you something that your brain feels and your gut doesnt.

  2. I'm going to do this step by step so as to try and help you as much as I can. There are many things in your dream that signifies or represents how you feel in real life.. For example, you're dreaming about a gun, this can mean different things. If you don't like or are afraid of the gun's power, it is a taboo symbol. Dreaming about guns from this context reveals a sense of being deeply threatened by the environment of the dream or persons in the dream. The gun may represent a nearly desperate need to reassert personal control in the situation or to find personal power in relationship to others. Also, the gun could symbolize the male s*x organ, aggression, harshness, and fear. This dream may have sexual connotations, or your unconscious mind may be telling you not to harbor your negative feelings but express them more freely before they become explosive.

    Another thing to notice would be the grass. Usually that is a very good sign in dreams. To dream about really green grass, I take it as a good sign because they generally represent rapid accumulation of wealth, fame to literary and artistic people, and a safe voyage through the turbulent sea of love is promised to all lovers.

    Seeing umbrellas in your dreams can mean different things, again depending on the context. Seeing an open umbrella in the dream denotes that you need to speak and act carefully, because the damage you have caused cannot be undone. If you walk with an open umbrella under the rain, you will make it through your troubles and will be fortunate in your  future endeavours. In this case, to see others carrying them, foretells that you will be appealed to for aid by charity.

    Black roses in dreams are associated with death so I would assume there was a black rose because you were at a funeral. Whose funeral was it? Did you see a body in the casket? Well there are a few things this could mean. It could mean that you're laying something to rest, moving on. Or a need to let go of somebody or an old issue

    It could also be highlighting your own fears about mortality, or fear of losing someone loved, which is this case could be your boyfriend.

    This is all i can say, i hope i helped. :)

  3. Well dreams are usually thoughts in the back of your head. Have you ever thought of this or have this fear? Next time you have this dream, try changing it. Thats what I do.

    Hope thats helpful!

  4. if we were acquainted, I would give you a hug, look you in the eye, and tell you how especially beautiful your soul is.

    your dreams will continue until you get this figured out.

    so let's give it a try although only you can figure this out since it is all in code to your feelings, souls desire,purpose etc.

    dreams tend to be metaphorical so we need to decipher it's complexities.

    your BF is in the bathroom, suicidal, your trying to reach him but you never do *stop* where in your relationship do you feel like your help goes nowhere? do you try to rescue him? does he ever resent this?

    ok funeral, none of his family are there which might look sad to you but his friends are! *stop* this could have implications about your social life together or the friendship you share with eachother this is where the color gets intense notice!  the colors in our dreams are very significant what does black convey to you? clearly it marks the solomness of the occasion and some would just equate it with death but I think for you it means so much more!

    in some traditions it is the color of rebirth which did not escape my notice in the final part of your dream you become your "dead" BF and walk away this is very telling when combined with the lyrics of the song

    this could be the way you would fix your BF feelings if you could?

    he is bi how does this make you feel? if you had the power to control/become him then you could arrange his feelings to better match yours?

    then you would maybe feel more connected to him?

    we all want to feel sympatico to our love but do you see how this could build a resentment in your BF? what if he feels he doesn't measure up?

    that he isn't enough for you?

    I think your dream is warning you to pull up before the love dies

    you are so aware to dream this way you are right to try to understand it

    I think you are a very gifted man and I hope this builds your relationship stronger for the awareness it brings to you.

    blessings to you both

    p.s. the meaning of the green grass is two fold

    the fact that you see it greener that you ever have in your life is what we call spirit vision it happens when you are in a hightened state of awareness this can happen when you are not dreaming.

    so also in the dream you were making the shift into rebirth renewal and more spirit than physical body =transformation

  5. Your boyfriend in this dream is a representation of your shadow.  The bathroom is a place we go when we need to rid ourselves of waste.  This is an instinctual process.  There is something instinctual that you want to rid yourself of.  The gun can represent the phallus, control or anger.  So maybe one of these instinctual urges is bothering you.

    Death is never literal in dreams but symbolic for change.  There is something in your life that you want to change or has changed.  Maybe the ending of a relationship, changing schools/jobs, moving to a new location etc.

    The grass being so green could be the idiom "The grass is greener on the other side” Since your looking at the casket maybe the thought has crossed your mind that he is better off than you are?

    The fact the people are holding umbrellas could represent that you remember from TV shows that funerals are dreary and it usually rains.  In this seen it's a beautiful day, therefore this implies that you long for death at times.

    The song speaks for itself.  Maybe you should speak to someone about these feelings you have when, or if they surface.

    Take care

  6. This basically means that you guys are confined in a tight situation or might become in one. This represent you guys in the bathroom locked.

    He dies because he know that it will be the better for you. NOT that he will die in real life but will sacrifice lot for you. You realizing that you were him means that even all that he sacrificed for you, you will always have in mind that you want to repay him somehow.

    Hope this helps.

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