
Please tell me what to do, all my questions or answers end up being violations, either chatting or not a?

by  |  earlier

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question or a opsion to ask why either




  1. That is why I have a new name. I was so tired of getting violations for nothing. I had valid questions and answers that got taken off. Hence the war.

  2. Come and join us - we've set up here, and would be happy to see you all! It's much the same as here, without the trolls, and without the obligation to ask questions.

  3. I think I have a similar problem. I do not expect I will last until the end of the day. Since I came into being yesterday morning, I have received three violations and had two questions deleted. It is shameful if we cannot ask stupid and pointless questions any more.

    Given the very low intellectual level of the average question or answer - "What is your name?" "Duh! I dunno! Ah'm Amurrican!" - in most sections of YA, I don't know how they can tell the difference between a serious question there and a making-fun one here.

  4. I have sent a mail to yahoo and demanded some info. I am not going to stop till they have told me who is reporting or from which sections the reporters are. I have also noted that TD's are given for perfectly decent and correct answers and my opinion is that the reporters are the same persons giving the TD's. This will be my view till be proven wrong.

  5. Things are getting terrible , my last 5 questions have been deleted and also answers and questions from months ago (resolved questions) are getting violations , Now this cant just be Yahoo , some-one is definately targeting this section , i also noticed yesterday that answers by "regulars" were all getting TD , and the "Visitors" were left alone, so some-one is getting personal...

  6. You could pay attention to what you're posing as a "question."  If it's something like "what do you guys think" or "am I pretty" or just expressing some opinion, then it's going to be a violation.

  7. Keep going Girl he will stop sometime

    Some one is digging in old Q's of 6 months ago

    and I get the violations now

  8. hi Dear,

    try to send an e-mail to Yahoo Guidelines & ask them..

    I did before & they gfave me good answers.

    good luck

  9. I got a violation for an answer I gave a month ago. I'm tired of this and using the internet is too expensive for me to waste on this nonsense.

    What's the use of blocking people when it's so easy to get another account. They will just open more accounts and start all over.

  10. This is all un-american-like-  We are all innocent until proven guilty.  And they do not even take notice of appeals.  

    The trolls always try to take conTROLL.  Why do they not go on their annual Trolliday? So that we can have some peace for a few weeks. Maybe we are not as trollerant as we thought!!

    See link for more.

  11. Received violation notices for chatting.

    I cannot understand it, because the questions and answers in question is normal.

    To who do you write and ask to reconsider.

  12. I think the top reporters must have discovered this section and see it as an easy place to score brownie points. This also contributes to the infighting amongst the regulars on this section. We all should not let these destructive forces win. Maybe for the time being we should just post tourism related questions and give the trolls nothing to gain when pushing the report button. They will eventually get bored and go away.

  13. I agree with Darth! I am getting them too! They are reporting my questions from months ago! It's pathetic and cowardly!

  14. The starting point would be to block Pitso and Ayiza altogether, perhaps if the majority of us block these two liars as well as any known allies to them, they will get the message and leave.

    If they block any of us it is inconsequential as any questions that are asked by them are more often than not, nothing more than incoherent drivel, no loss to us.

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