
Please tell me what you think of my drawings :0

by  |  earlier

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These are some original designs I did a few years ago. Please tell me what you think.

Thanks to all who answer!! :)




  1. Lol you didn't use your :) smily on your title xD

    1st Pic - Lol Bad Day xD That is pretty cool and original =]

    2nd Pic - It looks like some random sword, you have some creativity in you ^^

    3rd Pic - I like this one =] A Flower with random shapes >.< I envy this drawing x_X

    4th Pic - Hehe I think this is my favorite one =]

    5th Pic - Neat though it looks kind of like the fourth one a little but still great picture

  2. I love stuff like this!  these are so cool!!  Geometric drawings, color, blank & white, they are all good!!

  3. Wow those are very cool. They look 3D and very unique, my favorite is the first one because its harder to make black and white look great without it looking bland and you definitely didn't make it bland. The rose is cool because I don't know if you purposely did this but it looks like the petals have faces on it lol. Overall awesome :)

  4. Looks like something a person might do if they were obsessing or if they were hopped up on mountain dew!!! or something stronger.

    chip- I'ma come at yew like a spider munkee!!!

  5. kiradayum

    they're frickin awesome!

    really unique designs & i realllly love how you colored them to make them look 3-D =DD

  6. You a Genius. na really. if this is your style, go on and download the g force viz, that cud be great inspiration to ya!!! and keep up the gud work!!!

  7. You have a very unique style.  I like it!  They are all beautiful designs and they are all different.  I think my favorites are bad day and the dragonfly one.

  8. love the last one ^.^!!!! u use unique colors. very good sketching the lines are all straight. i wud def by from u!!!!!!!!

  9. Awesome.All of them looks Really Cool :)

  10. I really liked them. Maybe you should enter them in an art exhibit or something like that.

  11. they are really cool looking!! i like teh color ones better then the black and white.  you are very talented!!

  12. You have a unique drawing style. The colored pencils add a nice touch.

    I like them all!

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