
Please tell me what you think.?

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I am currently 25 years old and I beleive I am Empathic. Thur out my life I experienced things that noone can explain.

1. when my uncle died I heard my long dead Grandfather's voice saying " It's OK Skeeter" his nick name for me. It was the middle of the afternoon and I was by myself.

2. I was in highschool and I had a panic attack during a storm. normally i love storms, they are a pure pleasure for me. A couple hours after the storm and attack my mother showed up at school and told me that a tornado had dropped a tree on our house and trapped my Grandmother inside, she was fine now but she said she had never been so scarred in her life. i'm very close to my Grandmother

3. I work with a very small group of people, Last year I had a tooth ache for a week for no reason. Later, one of my coworkers told me he had to go to the dentist because his wisdom teeth had been bugging him for a month and it was getting worse everyday.

these are just a sample of events but tell me waht you think




  1. sounds like you may be very empathic to me.

    If anybody close to you is going to go through surgery, you better make sure they give you anethesia also, otherwise it could hurt.

  2. Weird.  It's like you have this insight that affects you physically when life is about to occur for other people.  It may be good or bad.  You seem to have a gift.

  3. Life is full of unusual events.  These examples you've shown could be nothing more than confirmation bias.  You remember all of the times where you *might* have had some sort of connection to something going on around you.  But what about the time you had a toothache and no one around you needed dental work?  Or how about when a close relative was in pain and you didn't feel anything?

    But of course it's more fun to think you have magical powers than to believe there is some reasonable, mundane explanation for what you have experienced.

  4. Empathy is the most Common form of ESP. What you experienced is more attune with Clairvoyance. Remote sensing, and other aspects of Clairvoyance are what you have described. Most people exhibiting Empathic Powers generally have to be in the same room or proximity of the people that they are sensing.

    I would be interested to know more to better help you understand.

  5. only 3. was really an example of 'empathy'.  try not to worry about it.  no matter how developed it the sense is in you, acceptance will elude you.

    if you come to a fork in the road and 'know' not to take the right-hand one, turn left.

    best advice I got.

  6. The term is Clairesentience. Meaning - being sensitive to your external environment. You not only feel, but you literally absorb the energy in your environment. It's a good idea to visit a spiritual healer to cleanse you of other peoples energies.

    Regarding your experiences with your family, because you are blood relatives, there will always be a strong psychic link with them.

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