
Please tell me whats going on is she losing interest?

by  |  earlier

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okay. so here is the details. we talked last night on the phone.

and she didnt seem okay. so i asked her what was up. and she said that we never really got a chance to become really close friends before we were dating. and now she would like to stop doing what bf and gf's do and become really good friends for awhile. is this normal for teenage girls to do this? does she still have feelings for me? and dont tell me to dump her! because that is the last thing i want. she is the most amazing girl and im not about to let her go.





  1. Just do what she asks she may feel the relationship is moving too fast.  You guys are teenagers so don't be so serious about relationships.  Be glad to just be friends.

  2. Just do what she asks and be friends with her.  Not all bf and gf have s*x but that is just her way of telling you that she wants to chill out on that for a while.  You don't have to dump her, just be supportive to her and keep seeing her just without having s*x.  Don't even bring it up and she will see that you like her even thought you aren't having s*x.  Maybe she just wants to see if you care about her or if you care about having s*x with her.  That is pretty normal behavior especially since the two of you weren't close friends before you started dating.

  3. im very sorry to say..

    you might be lossing her


    maybe she just wants to become way more closer to have a better connection and a more lasting relationship


    its weird that she wants to become 'friends' in order to do that

    usually you just grow closer together as a couple

    shes confused

    give it time

    be there for her

    and let her know you dont want to lose her

    thats the best you can do for now

    meet her wishes the best you can :)

    good luck!

  4. I'm guessing that you are having s*x with her or you are pressuring her for s*x and she isn't ready. That is why she wants to go to being friends because she feels the same way about you. If this is the case, talk to her and tell her how you feel. She will be relieved because she doesn't want to lose you as a boyfriend either.

  5. i would say just respect her wishes it's good to be friends because it helps you to grow.

  6. I'd say without a doubt she is loosing interest and its probably over and theres no going back to friendship after a relationship but if u can my hats are off to ya but but but i'd say its over so except it and move on

  7. just dont be as close as use all ready are talk about things you wouldnt usualy talk about dont pressure her into things tel her things about u find out more about her hav fun .. best of luck x

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