
Please tell me where this quote is from? It's italian...HEEEELP, it drives me crazy?

by  |  earlier

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vieni tu dai cielo profondo o sorgi dall'abisso, bellezza?

It sounds as if it comes from a play or something...




  1. it is the beginning of baudelaire's "hymn to the beauty" but the original poem was written in french:

    Viens-tu du ciel profond ou sors-tu de l'abîme, Ô Beauté ?

    here you can find this poem (and more) with an english translation:

  2. do you come from the deep sky or you rise from the abyss beauty?

  3. Baudelaire is what I was getting also.

  4. It is a quote in "I fiori del male" by Charles Baudelaire.  I am not sure if that is original to this work since I don't know enough Italian to figure it out completely - sorry!

    I hope this helps a little!  If I find out more, I will add it to this answer.

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