
Please tell me which animals that have become extinct elsewhere but stell survive in china?

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please the animals name ??




  1. Chinese Crested Tern (a kind of bird)

    Tibetan Antelope (a kind of deer)

    Yangtze River Baiji (white) Dolphin

    Panda Bear,

    Siberian Tiger (Southern china)

    Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica is a subspecies of the lion which survives today only in India. They ranged once from the Mediterranean to India, covering most of Southwest Asia and hence it is also known as the Persian lion. The current wild population consists of about 350 individuals restricted to the Gir Forest in the state of Gujarat, India.The historic distribution included the Caucasus to Yemen and from Macedonia in Greece to present-day India through Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan through to the borders of Bangladesh.Critically Endangered)

    Asiatic Cheetah (also known as the Iranian Cheetah is a rare critically endangered subspecies of the Cheetah found primarily in Iran. It lives in a vast fragmented desert and although recently extinct in India it is also known as the Indian Cheetah. It is now on the verge of extinction, as only 60 to 100 are estimated to exist.)

    South China tiger (also known as the Chinese, Amoy, or Xiamen tiger, is a subspecies of tiger native to the forests of Southern China. The South China tiger is the third smallest and most critically endangered of the living tiger subspecies. Experts maintain that there are approximate less than 30 of these tigers left in the wild. Experts warn that the South China tiger might become extinct within the next decade. One was recently born in a reserve in South Africa in November 2007, the first to be born outside China. The South China tiger is considered to be the “stem” tiger, the subspecies from which all other tigers evolved. The South China tiger has been recently listed as one of the world's 10 most endangered animals.

    Anatolian leopard (was once described as a distinct subspecies of leopard native to Anatolia , Turkey. However, modern taxonomic analyses have demonstrated that the leopards of Asia Minor genetically differ little from other west- and central Asian leopards and should therefore be included into the Persian leopard Panthera pardus saxicolor subspecies. It is unknown whether any leopards still exist in the wild in Anatolia.extinct/critically endangered)

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