
Please tell me why I should vote for McCain!?!?!?

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I'm from Arizona and I still don't see why anyone should vote for him...first off McCain has agreed with Bush 90% of the time so he would have the same politics and not make America better. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and

expecting different results!!!!!! Also, this is the man who lost to Bush in 2000...if he wasn't good enough to beat Bush (Who is by far the worst president ever!!! yes even worst then LBJ) what makes him the man for the job??? Please somebody tell me.




  1. Do not Vote for him unless you are happy the way things have been the last 8 years. Plus he will probably die while in office and then we will have a 44 yr old female governor of Alaska running the country!!!

    OMG....Whoever votes for Mccain need help!

  2. You should vote for him because you believe people should have the right to dream of having 7 houses one day. And they should have the opportunity to go out there, work hard, and try to make it happen! Socialism is NOT American.

    Also, why don't you look up and see what percentage of the time Obama (or any other Senator for that matter) voted with Bush. You'd be surprised how high that percentage is.

  3. I would like to address one point, in particular. Obama and the clan try to portray McCain as being just like President Bush, which makes no sense to me.

    Here's why: most Republicans like President Bush for whatever reason. And, most Republicans hated McCain during the primaries and were rooting for others. If McCain is so similar to Bush, why wouldn't we like him?

    John McCain believes in defending this country, first and foremost; it is a priority, THE priority. He also believes in keeping the Bush tax cuts, as this would fuel the economy and help everyone in the U.S.

    Unlike Obama, McCain actually has a PLAN for energy independence - the Lexington Project, if the plan is voted into law, it would make the US independent by 2025 which is a realistic expectation unlike Obama's (he says it'll happen in 10 years, not true).

    Also, as the previous answerer suggested, I looked up Obama's voting rate with President Bush. It was between 40-50% That's half of the time.

  4. you shouldnt vote for him. He's Pro war. Theres a reason right there why I would NEVER vote for him. How can anyone vote for someone who is all for war happening?

  5. You shouldn't.

  6. He would be, by far, the better Commander In Chief, more experienced, etc.

    All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??

  7. According to Obama you shouldn't, after all according to him McCain has picked a ....WOMAN as his VP! And the Obama followers all say no WOMAN could EVER be qualified to be President!

  8. cause McCain will keep us from getting bombed by staying in iraq in afghanistan and stopping iran instead of trying to "talk" like obama wants too, last time someone wanted to "talk" (clinton had the chance to kill osama twice but wanted to negotiate) we got the **** blown out of us on 9/11, a vote for obama is a vote for osama

  9. cause the liberals would like you to believe bush=mccain & that's not true. barack's spending on welfare programs with marginal results will put the economy in a depression. barack is against small business owners who are the majority of employers of America. if you don't have growing businesses, you don't have jobs. without jobs, no taxes.

    barack just doesn't get it.


  10. You shouldn't ..

  11. then go vote for barry...we don't and your socialist views have no home in our party of freedom...get lost..

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