
Please tell me why?

by  |  earlier

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I posted a question on here a couple of days ago...' who will get pole for the Canadian GP' ? Why have I received a violation notice for this question? who the h**l did I offend ???




  1. i think it was prob some muppet that clicked on the report abuse sign, i have seen alot more offensive answers than your question and they stay so sorry other than that know idea

  2. I know what you mean.  Same thing happened to me for an answer that was in no way offensive.

    I think some clowns out there will click the report button if they disagree in the tiniest way.

  3. I had an answer no more offensive than 'Yes' given a violation so i wouldn't take it too personally. There are a lot of extremely bored people clicking 'Report Abuse' for no reason.


  4. Me too... some1 on higher level can do it... like me..level 3 also can reports on this..but I nvr do that becos this is net where every1 can talk what they want...rite?

  5. Not me, more than that I can't say.

  6. I think its those nascar fans....

    or maybe that troll val was talking about.

    he must be stopped!!!

  7. I got one too for my DC 3rd, who would have believed it. I guess yahoo are having a purge on the F1 section. I think once someone reports one person the powers that be go through all the rest of the section too. Last time there was a pig ignorant user on here, he got a question deleted, 2 days later so did I. Its not the same as it used to be anymore

  8. There are a lot of nutjobs that go around reporting people for no reason, in this section they come and they go. I also got an answer (a proper one) deleted on sunday as well.
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