
Please tell me your experiences of having 2 children not born at the same time in the same school classroom?

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Our son was born 19 days after the cutoff period to enroll in school. We have another child due 11 months after, which will probably be here before the cutoff period. Do you think we ought to enroll them both in the same classroom, or do you think we ought to hold the 2nd child back a year. We have plenty of time to decide. The oldest is 10 months now. He's a boy, we don't know what is coming next. BTW-they are both adopted, and are biological siblings, mother's IQ 165, father's kids are on honor roll.




  1. Both of my boys were in the third grade this year, not the same classroom though. I liked it, one good thing was if one of them didn't get something in class the other could help explain. Other than that there wasn't much difference than previous years. I'd say same grade different classrooms should be fine.

  2. I agree with the first.  Having both your children in the same class will not allow them to be more social with the other kids.  They will just hang around eachother.  Now, if they are in the same grade but different classes, then OK.  Or try it for the first year in the same class, just to kind of get used to school and stuff, then the next year do different classes.

  3. I wouldn't hold one back unless they are behind and not ready. You wouldn't want to hold a child back simply to avoid them being together.

    I would just request to the school that they are kept in seperate classes. I have twins and have always had them in seperate classes and that has worked well.

  4. Same school is fine, but they probably won't be in the same classroom. Most schools won't allow it.

  5. i don't think you should, because most siblings adopted or not, don't usually being in the same classroom together. Me, and my bro were, and it didnt turn out so well, we were trying so hard to see what each other was doing we almost failed the yeah

  6. You shouldnt b/c it wont allow them to interact with others they'll just play together b/c that's what they'll be used to doing at home

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