
Please tell me your most hated problems - need ideas for a design project...?

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Anybody got anything that they really wish they didn't have to do/ worry about? Or got any ideas for an Electrically-based project i could do? PLEASE....!!




  1. I hate ironing, drying my hair, shaving my legs, mowing the lawn and hoovering.

  2. a dustpan and brush that actually gets everything up

    a bed that lifts up so you can sweep underneath it

  3. How about an automatic cat feeder? This has been done already but it usually lasts no longer than a couple of days. I know my cats would rather stay at home than go to the cattery when I go away for a week or two.

  4. I know that it isnt a complete unique design but it actually hasnt come into place yet.    I hate queuing up to place all of my food shop items out of the trolley, on to the conveyor belt, scan it, bag it, yet again make sure all the heavy stuff is on the bottom so it doesnt spuash your bread etc, and then all again when you get to the car.  All of this just to pay for it.  I would like somehow for every bar code to have a unique microscopic chip in it inserted into it or even somewhere into the product. Or even make the barcode magnetic. When you walk through a scanner with your trolly it picks up everything you have bought and calculates what you need to pay.  This will stop the whole process of the conveyor belts.

    Not only has it not been completely designed yet but there are many flaws that can be made better.

    This is electronically based too.

  5. if you want to design something electronically then try and make something that you can plug into your PC that will diagnose problems whether   it be hardware or software it would save a lot of time and money if it worked

  6. I hate when things don't do as they say on the box. I hate bugs. I hate when stuff is bad quality. I hate when you have to wait 5 minutes for something to start up. I hate when you have to wait 5 minutes for something to turn off.

    What do you mean about "ideas"? Are you going to make a game, or some kind of machine? Make a rube goldberg :D Or some kind of.. shooting thingy.. just search on youtube, and you'll get tons of ideas.

  7. washing the window - i hate it - if you could design something that automatically cleans them i will be the first to purchase it.

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