
Please tell me your opinion/s of global Warming.?

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I would like to know your thoughts on Global Warming. Like: what you feel will happen and how fast will this happen? And do you think It will cause Earth to explode or what? Will we live on another planet? Will God tarry that long? Are you ready for it all to end?




  1. Well Global Warming is when carbon dioxide  from cars, trucks, factories, etc. gets trapped in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide traps heat. I predict that eventually oceans will become warmer causing more storms especially hurricanes. Winters will shorten and the air will have less humidity.  There might even be an ice age.We may eventually move to Mars, researchers say we could thrive if we evolved and were able to breath. I don't think we will travel to another planet. Hopefully we will be inventive and find a way to stop global warming. The sun might expand and swallow the earth before global warming extincts us. Who is really ready for the world to end [we will be dead] but i think its gods plan.

  2. Ok here is the deal - The earth goes through cycles.  Florida was once underwater back in geologic history. It obviously isn't underwater now.  Global warming has not been proven to even be taking place. The latest data shows the level of temperature change to be within normal fluctuation values. The earth will warm but it is not due to man's activity. CO2, the gas the global warming crowd harps about, is a NATURAL BYPRODUCT OF RESPIRATION IN ANIMALS! Why would anyone consider this as a pollutant??? Man made global warming is a hoax in an attempt to leech money out of the United States taxpayers and give it away to less fortunate countries.

    Response to the person below who said that "we don't want Florida underwater in the future."  WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE THAT WE CAN STOP THE FORCES OF MOTHER NATURE!!!  Think about it - we have to constantly combat mother nature by weather proofing, earthquake proofing  and rebuilding after nature's impact on our infrastructure. It isn't the other way around. We think we are significant to the earth but we aren't.

  3. My opinion is that it is real, very real. The argument that this is all a cycle is an interesting one, and provides good evidence. But the fact is that whether or not this is a cycle, we DON'T want Florida to be underwater in twenty years.

  4. I think that global warming is a real issue that should be a concern to us all now and is only going to get worse, rapidly.

    However, I think that people are getting confused by the expanding population, the planets inability to support us, the wiping out of the fish stock, the extinction of flora and fauna, coral bleaching, expanding desert, arctic ice melting, third world debt, poverty and starvation, illeagal logging, multi drug resistant TB, and all the other issues facing humanity and then pushing them all together and labeling it as "global warming". Some of these issues are a result of man made climate change and some are the result of 6.5 billion people destroying the environment.

    And then they see the problem as to big to start fixing, so, therefore there is no point to do anything about it as no one else is, etc. However all these issues can be broken down and we ,collectively, could go someway to solving them. However, unfortunately, we are human and historically, when ever there has been a time to band together for the good of all, we have choose to bomb, kill, invade, and attack and take what ever we wanted from are neighbors. *Sigh*.

    Check this out its really cool and puts things into perspective. click on the now button and it will all zero.

    and have you watched this?

  5. global warming will continue untill the world is in turmoil. what will absolutely happend is this. first the ice in the mountain in the alascan and western and northest part of the world will melt away. this will cause water shortage in the north part of  the hemisfere. after that, due to the change in water vapour concentration, the western world will be a cold arid place. this is due to the lack of water vapour brought in by the gulf stream and lack of water from the mountain. why? the climate change in the northes part has brought too much rain onto the middle equiter thus severeing the gulf stream by adding fresh water in the middle part. this will insure the uropean and north lost all ability to maintain heat and water from the sea. the north and southern part will be cold and arid with drought all year round due to irregular sea stream and the equiter part in constant floods of worst(conpleately submerge in water) due to immence rain fall trough out the year. this will happend in the next 50 years or less. drought will extend untill the biggest tree wither away.this will comtinue for about three years.....after that. you have to ask me........

  6. I watch a lot of the History Channel and the Discovery Channel.  I also read histories.  During the Roman occupation of England, they were growing grapes in England where grapes are finally being able to regrow.  Also, During the Viking uprising in the 800's to 1066 was another warm period.  We finished a little ice age in 1850.  I believe that it is more of a natural cycle of the earth.  The reason that it is effecting us humans so much is that we have built on the flood plains and coastal areas and have tried to tame nature.  I do agree that us humans need to be better housekeepers and try to minimize our footprint.  I believe that the people who prepare for change will adapt, but the ones that build 20 ft below sea level and loss it all than complain will suffer.

  7. For it all to end??? no, I am not ready....

    As for global warming, I think that it is very real, and I think that it is happening very fast.  I myself have noticed climate changes in my local area.

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