
Please tell me your thoughts about gangs and/or drug dealers. Why do you think our youth is exposed to this?

by Guest55939  |  earlier

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Please, accurate info, nothing stupid or mean.




  1. Part of it's music (but not as strong as it was in 90's hiphop but they still glorify money). Part of it is environment and lack of family values. They feel the need to belong so they join a gang Parents not doing their job. Men not doing their jobs as fathers. The strong male figure is the dude in the fancy car making money by selling drugs. He's a hero to someone who doesn't really know any better. Easy fast money. A High School diploma or a college degree is not necessary for this line of work. Then they have the mentality "don't hate, he's making money" As long as a person is making a lot of money, its seen as being something great.

  2. honestly, i think the drugs were allowed into the country by the men who protect it.  think about how tight our security is, now how is big stuff getting over here in the first place.  its the big people (cops, army, fbi) who are letting it get in.  why?  for the money.

    drugs is a type of business. an illegal and dangerous one.  but thats all it is.

    our youths are exposed through boredom. they need more activities to keep them off the streets. they need a stronger family support.

    in my neighborhood, there are lots and lots of drug addicted prostitutes with kids.  do you think those kids stand a chance of becoming a dr. or a lawyer?  more community programs to encourage kids to go a different route.  

  3. I'll tell you why...the past generations have taken this world to h**l.  I don't blame these kids...they are handed a world of chaos...what do you expect some of them to do?

  4. One MAIN reason is that young people are very inexperienced and easily swayed. Many that have grown up in broken households with poor excuses for parents turn to this thinking it will take them away from themselves. All it does though is spiral them into despair

    THEN there are other kids who have good parents but they simple want to do stupid things. Its not ALWAYS the parents fault, kids have mind of their own. BUT and a big BUT, parents need and MUST do their part to try to steer them away from those horrible traps.

  5. I know im going to be downrated for this, but our music...although good, but have you listened to the lyrics...some talk about dope, and crime and how they grew up like that and some kids who idolize the stars would try to do the exact same thing like them, Also it could be where they grow up, if it's on their streets, i gurantee you there are kids in the school who are affiliated with it. Thus pressure.

  6. drug dealers and gang members are ppl to get the **** over it!!!!

    ppl will do whatever they want

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