
Please tell me your thoughts on Child Abuse. How do the children see their parents? Will they be violent?

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  1. It should never happen. It's a horrible part of life that I wish did not exist. I wish I could save every child from it.

    That I overcame it is is a badge of pride that I wear. I mean what the heck else am I gonna do with it? : ) It takes work to be normal and functional, so I can feel a deeper sense of accomplishment for any little thing I do. I can celebrate not being a crackwh*re or an abuser when I need a boost :D

    I still love my parents, I will never be able to completely rid myself of that piece of me that mourns the loss of a happy childhood and happy, functional parents, but I know not to dwell on that and I know how to deal with it when it comes up.

    It takes lots of years of therapy to overcome it. It can destroy you if you don't let it make you more compassionate. The serenity prayer is helpful.

  2. It varies with each individual and each circumstance.  Everyone handles things differently and each situation was different.  Certainly they will not all be violent, it would make some people very non-violent, having experienced violence themselves.  Some feel hatred for their parents, some feel pity, for some ambivalence, or pleasure that their parent is out of their life, for some sadness about what they never had.  

  3. tHE KIDS ARE CONFUSED, they are abused , usually then, apologies follow and I love yous. This cycle continues and they grow up not really understanding love. They are not all going to be anything, some will be kinder, some will be violent and some will be middle of the road. Blaming childhood for present behavior is only an excuse.

  4. It varies.  The children often continue to love their parents regardless of what they have done to them.  Sometimes kids who were abused and not removed from that environment abuse their children as well.  Other tiems they do not.  Child abuse can also cause behavioral problems and mental health problems such as PTSD and depression, as well as Reactive Attachment Disorder.  There's no hard and fast rule, about how abuse will affect a child.  Sometimes children will feel guilty if they have disclosed abuse and were either removed from the homes or a parent was arrested.  They can hold themselves to blame for breaking up the family.  Sometimes siblings blame each other for their placement in foster care.  

  5. It is completely possible to live a normal life if you are a child of abuse. I am proof. I have forgiven my dad, and love him so much now. It helped that he apologized and told me why he did it. I think sexual abuse is harder to get over (not from experience) but my friend is a social worker and I can just see how much it effects her listening to it! I can tell you that as a mother one of my concerns was that I may be violent, or too harsh with my child, but I took counseling, and it wasn't really an issue. I maybe hug her too much, lol!  

  6. Child Abuse is pain wether it be sexual or torture with beatings and so on is horrible. No child should be made to know that kind of pain, it messes up their lives. It never leaves them and always stays with them in their mind. Also killing the child after they torture them is even worse. There are no words to describe it. Abused children fear  the people that do this to them the most and sometimes yes, they will become violent..can you blame them. They grow up with a lot of problems. Unless you have been abused you really can't answer this question.  And yes I can answer this question.

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