
Please translate from french for me. sa yé c mn anniv'?

by  |  earlier

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People sure do Big Bad silly Ben. Try it and see what YOU get. Also notice the different replies. The translators are not always accurate.

To the others, thanks




  1. It's my birthday...

    Do you people not know how to use google?????

  2. Exactly: "Ca y est; c'est mon anniversaire"

    (At last: it's my birthday..)

    (I am french)

  3. what's ur birthday?

    annivsaire is birthday

  4. White Spirit has it right

  5. technically is 'qu'est que c'est tu anniversaire' which is 'when is your birthday?'

  6. when is your anniversary?

  7. I confirm White Spirit is correct. Please, people, do not try to use an online translator on txt-speke. They don't support it and you'll just get gibberish.

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