
Please translate( praise you Jesus the Lord of the most high God Almighty) in Different languages. Please?

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Please translate( praise you Jesus the Lord of the most high God Almighty) in Different languages. Please?




  1. spanish: elogíele Jesús el señor del Todopoderoso más alto del dios

    russian: похвалите вас jesus лорд самого высокого almighty бога

    portuguese: elogie-o Jesus o senhor do almighty o mais elevado do deus

    dutch: lof u Jesus Lord van de hoogste Almachtige God

    French:félicitez-vous Jésus le seigneur de la toute-puissant la plus haute de Dieu

    german:preisen Sie Sie Jesus der Lord des höchsten Gottalmighty

    greek: έπαινος εσείς Ιησούς ο Λόρδος του υψηλότερου Θεού πανίσχυρου

    italian: elogiili Jesus il signore di onnipotente del dio più alto

    japanese: イエス・キリスト最も高い神全能の神の主賞賛しなさい

    I hope thats what you mean =\ lol

  2. Szanowny Panie Jezu, ja jestem maniak religijny.

  3. How many different languages? I hope not all, I only know one. It is already translated for you :)

  4. Mola di Iesu Arglwydd Duw yr hollalluog.

    Welsh  - Cymraeg

  5. well this might add up

    Filipino translation: purihin ang panginoong Jesus ang kaitaas taasang Diyos na makapangyarihan.

    hope it helps =D

  6. here is italian:

    Ti elogo Gesù (NOT Jesus), il Signore del Dio più alto onnipotente.

    also, the person Elle may have a bunch of languages but they were taken from babelfish.  i know because i read the italian part as i am a native italian speaker and it is wrong.  he wrote Jesus, and it is actually Gesù in italian.  that is wrong among other things.  there is no 'J' in the italian alphebet.

  7. look on google at babelfish it tells you all the words you want to know

    in lyk more than 20 different language's  

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