
Please translate this into English....Thank you!?

by Guest56375  |  earlier

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c est une personne pleine de confience, de joie, rêveuse, sympa , elle a une tres belle qualitee c est qu'elle est franche ,ouvert à toutes les caractaire ,elle a une qualitée du travail.
Nous avons vécu de beaux moments ensemble en job,la premiere rencontre etait le premier jour de travail ,elle est ma donnee des codmains et des services et ella etait une douce prof et elle a réussir comme prof.
je veux profite cette occasion pour la remerecier au fond du mon Coeur pour ces geste noble.
je te souhaite ma soeur flory du bonheure dans ta vie personnel et professional et de realisee toutes tes reves et que tu voit toujour ta vie en rose et en fleur et je veux te dire que toute est possible on a besoin juste de pouvoir car' si veux tu peux".
bein ne m oublie pas car tu as deja grevee dans ma memoire por longtemp je t aime tres fort




  1. She is a person full of confidence, of joy, of dreams, sympathetic, she has a very beautiful quality and that is her frankness, she is open with all her being, she has a good work ethic. We lived beautiful moments together on the job, the first meeting was on our first working day, she gave me codmains (?)and services and she was a gentle teacher and a good one. I want take this opportunity to thank you for from the bottom of my heart for these noble gestures. I wish you, my sister, much happiness in your pesonal   and professional life and in realizing all your dreams and that you will always see your life through pink-clored glasses  and in  flowers and I want to say to you that all is possible when you have the right power. Do not forget me because you are engraved in my memory for a long time. I love you very much.

  2. She is a confident, joyeux, kind person, a dreamer.  She has the wonderful quality of frankness, open to all characters, and she is a hard worker.  We shared some nice moments together at work.  Our first meeting was our first day at work, she gave me some help (I'm assuming what you mean here is "coups de main") and other services and was a gentle and successful teacher.  I would like to take this occasion to thank her from the bottom of my heart for these noble gestures.  May you achieve happiness in your peronal and professional lives and may you all your dreams come out, my sister Flory.  You always see the positive side of things and I want you to know that everything is possible, all we need is a little bit of strength (power), because where there's a will, there's a way.  Well, don't forget me, because you are engraved in my memory for many years to come.  I love you very much.

    It's hard without the rest of the context and there are several typos/grammatical mistakes in the original version : "elle est ma donnée des codmains", for example, but this is the best I could think up on short notice.  Hope it helps!

  3. C is a person full with confience, of joy, rêveuse, sympathetic, it has a very beautiful qualitee C is that it frank, is opened with all the caractaire, it qualitée one of work. We lived beautiful moments together in job, the premiere meeting etait the first working day, it is my donnee codmains and services and ella etait soft a teacher and it has to succeed as Prof I want benefit this occasion for the remerecier at the bottom from the my Heart for these noble gesture. I wish you my sister flory bonheure in your life personnel and professional and of realisee all your reves and that you toujour sees your life pink and flower and I want to say to you that all one is possible has need right to be able car' if you want can ". bein m does not forget because you have already grevee in my memory por longtemp I T like very extremely

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