
Please try to interpret this dream?

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OK, I've never tried this before. I'm a bit of a skeptic, I admit, but a dream I had last week has really stuck with me so let's see if it means anything!

I was with a large group of people who were familiar to me but I did not recognise, all about my age (22), both male and female. We were in a city but I have never been there before, and we were all residents in some sort of home/ shelter or hospital; it looked like some sort of huge Dickensian workhouse from the outside, but it was absolutely huge...think the Empire State Building, but as wide as it is high, too.

I was in my room, which was bare but comfortable. Suddenly a tannoy blasted in to life and announced we were about to be bombed by jet planes; everyone panicked and rushed outside as an air raid siren started- I remember noticing the sky was very overcast. A group of us hid behind a small stone shack that was a little distance from the large building, but in plain view of it, as two fighter planes zoomed overhead...




  1. Your dream is too long.  I cant make sense of it.

  2. Your playing too much call of duty

  3. What does teddy bear mean to you?  Childhood, comfort, familiarity, homestead?  You decide as that is what you value.  Some would get the photo album , jewelry, valuable documents... You decide.  Nevertheless, I do see you are attempting to retrieve and will allow your childhood spirit, dreams, comfort to remain with you throughout a touch of a turbulent time you are going through or have recently gone through.  You wish to retain your innocence in your knowing about life, in the enemity, destruction, impurity humans are capable of.  You seem to be good in an emergency, a leader.  Your excitement intermingled with fear indicates you are looking for excitement and risk.  Perhaps there's a bit of boredom around you.  Through patience you will know all.


  4. In order to interpret dreams we need to understand what is currently going on in your life.

    For example my constant dreams of me being chased had to do with my inability to confront my problems. My zombie and vampire dreams have to do with me feeling empty and living aimlessly.

    Ask yourself did you watch a similar movie the night before? Are you tramatized by a similar event? Are you having panic attacks in college? Are you nervous about your career path?Are you joining the army? Just think about what are the main subject of these dreams, that fact that you're in a state of panic or that you're being attacked? Nightmares typically are feeding off an underlying fear. I think if you address these issues you can find the answer within yourself.

    The only thing I think I can decifer is the fact that everyone is the same age. I often have people of the same age in my dream because at the time I was usually around people my age in my daily life. It was probably just easier to sympathize with those the same age as myself because I sometimes pass through these characters or they are friends of mine.

  5. I would call this a classic "gaming weekend" dream.  Play much Call of Duty or Battlefield2?

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