
Please turn a book in to a play for me! 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!?

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I was wondering if somebody would pick a good book for elementary grade level and write it into a play..... I dont care what book i dont even care if you get a script off something else... just please give me an answer.... you could also email me! just please help I am in desperate need!




  1. I have a suggestion for a story you could use.

    This year, we did the play "The Lorax" based on one of Dr. Suess's books.

    The only problem with that is, we had to get permission to use it for the play.

    Also, we weren't allowed to change ANYTHING.

    The narroator parts, the words, everything had to stay exactly the same.

    So, yeah, watch out for copyright issues.

  2. try something already in the public domain like a fairy tale or folk tale when my school did that we did the story of Atalanta the greek story of the girl who would marry any suitor who could outrun her in a race.

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