
Please what age do you have to be to fire a crossbow alone in CO?

by Guest56947  |  earlier

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Well I really need to know because I might get a crossbow and ill have to do it unsupervized in my backyard or house so I need to know please anyone got some help?




  1. I don't believe there is any law here in Colorado about age limits and crossbows. However there might be local/city ordinances against it depending on where you live.

    When you live in a city/urban/suburban area they usually frown on firing weapons in the backyard. It doesn't take much to have an arrow glance off the intended target and fly in a direction you didn't want it to. I live in the country and we have fired arrows in the back and sometimes they glance off the target and fly into the neighbor's horse pasture. Thank God they haven't hit anything.

  2. old enough to squeeze the trigger.

  3. In OH 16

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