
Please will you make me feel better?

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OK I just cut my daughters finger with the nail clippers. It was bleeding quite a bit (not serious) and I feel like the worst Mum ever. Up until now I had been biting them cos thats what they say when they are tiny (now I know why) Worst thing was she was smiling at me so much just as I was doing it and then "CLIP." Now she has a flap of skin just hanging there. We've had it checked out and she's fine but I feel terrible. Please make me feel better and tell me you've done similar.




  1. Not once, not twice, but three times. To the same child about two weeks apart. You are not the worst mom ever you are just a typical mom, so just relax it my bleed a lot but it doesn't really hurt that bad!

  2. Its not a big deal at all

    when i was a baby my father cliped my finger

    and when my mom had my brothers she clipped his finger when he was like 2 days old

    i dont have a scare or anything neather does my brothers

    That happens to alot of parents not a big deal


  3. oh my gosh you are SOO not the only one. When my baby was 3 months old, I was putting him in his car seat and he was wearing shorts, and I accidentally pinched some of the skin on his leg in the buckle. He was smiling until I did it and just screamed!

    My cousin accidentally cut her son's fingernail too short too. We are human and we all do it. It's accidental. You are a great mom just for feeling so bad about it. You should only feel like a bad mom if you DIDN'T feel bad about it!

  4. I think that almost all of us have done that at one time or another. . .heck, I still do it to myself sometimes if I am not paying attention.

  5. Ohh it's okay:( Accidents happen. It's not like you were meaning to hurt her. Have a better day.

    Awww happy birthday! Don't let this ruin your day! Seriously, this isn't going to scar her at all-emotionally or physically.

  6. It happens, trust me! Your not a bad mom at all. I hate clipping fingernails as well. Their fingers are so tiny and they squirm alot while your trying to do it carefully. Dont feel bad, it happens to the best moms out there!

  7. My dad cut my ear when cutting my hair.  I was like 7 years old, I never forgot it. lol sry that probably doesn't help.

  8. My husband has done this too! He cuts my 5 months olds nails because I am too scared. Don't worry, I am sure she has forgotten about it already! If this is the worst accident the 2 of you ever have, then BLESS YOU! It happens, just give her extra hugs so YOU feel better and let it go. Trust me, there are many more bandaids to come and chances are, you may be involved in a few of them. ;)

  9. your baby will be fine, I too cut my sons finger when I clipped them, then my heath nurse told me to use cuticle scissors instead, that way you can cut closely and watch how your cutting them. I have yet to have a problem since changing to cuticle scissors.

  10. Aww I know how you feel! I did the exact same thing to my 3 month old a couple weeks ago. I took some of his skin off and it was bleeding a lot.  I felt horrible.  I just put some neosporin on it and he only cried for a minute. But you never want to hurt your baby. Gosh I am so sorry..i just know how you feel! it sucks! lol. She will be fine though :) You have to get their fingers nails down otherwise she will scratch her head to death.  Seems like every other day I have to cut my sons nails. Just be careful. They have those magnifying clippers. But it seemed harder for me. Hurt my eyes lol. But the actual clippers are good.

  11. there is not a whole lot to feel bad about bc  u r learning just be more careful and keep doing it with the clippers bc if u bite them then that teaches her to be nail bitter and thats not good so just keep trying and be careful

  12. Yes, i have done this before also. Best thing to do is use a tissue and apply pressure, don't use a band aid cuz she might put it in her mouth and choke.  Practice makes perfect, try pushing the skin back under her nail and then clip.  Make sure there is good lighting!  Your not a bad mom and besides she will never remember it.    

  13. IT's hard to tell you to just laugh it off - cause it's not funny, however after the first time I did the same thing to my child- I couldn't do it again. I then let a family member or my pediatricians nurse clip the nails. The MD and her nurse had to think I was a loon just for not clipping my own childs nails.

    Just so you know - many, many, many moms do the same thing. Babies nails are so fragile and their little fingers are so...little, so it makes it hard.

    You and your daughter will get through this and believe me - this oops is an easy one - wait until she gets her first knee bo-bo.

    Hope I helped

  14. Most of the mothers I know (including me twice) did that. You can also file the nails. Dont feel bad... think of all the mothers who never even clipped their kids nails and keep then dirty (LOL). Seriously! It was an accident just dont put an band-aid on it because she can choke on it.

  15. Don't worry. I did this myself after I brought my daughter home from the hospital. At first I felt awful, like you, I even cried. But my hubbie said to not feel bad it was only an accident and she was fine. (: Don't feel bad, we all make mistakes.

  16. What a cruel mum. I will report you to the bad mums society.

    OK I won't we all have done similiar. Love the child and all will be 100%

  17. Yes we all at some time do an opsie when it's least not meant. Don't worry,my mother dropped me head first into a waste paper basket whilst she was trying to wind me,and there's nothing wrong with me *winks and twitches*

  18. I think every mother has done that! I've done it a few months ago! I felt horrible! I cried more than my son did!

  19. When my son was 2 months old I was taking him out of the bath and smacked his head on the corner of the faucet! He was screaming I was crying hysterically and my mom had to calm us both down. I felt so bad and felt like the worst mother in the world. He was fine 5 min later but I am still traumatized by the whole event!

  20. Oh honey,  I did that to my son's finger when he was a baby, too.  I felt just as bad as you do.  I am so sorry for this.  Let the skin dry up good and it will come off in a few days.  Go back to biting the nails off, or go see if you can find a clipper that is specially designed to cut baby nails.  I hope your little angel is okay.  Bless you.  I can feel your love for your babies.  

  21. oh I think everyone has done that!!! Don't worry about that! Just think about how THEY don't remember u did its ok! :)

  22. Ah, don't beat yourself up, things like this happen and I promise it won't scar her forever - emotionally or physically!

  23. haha. its ok. my daughter was sleeping nicely and i thought "hey i will cut her nails now while she's asleep and not squirming." well i was doing fine, then whoops i clipped some of the skin. she woke up screaming and bleeding a little. i comforted her and she forgot all about it. don't worry, you're not a bad mom. it was small accident. not detremental at all.  

  24. it was just an accedent dont feel bad

  25. Don't feel bad. Everyone makes mistakes, and she's probally forgot all about it. mIt was just a little accident. Your whole parenting experience isn't just going to be perfect with no mistakes or anything like that, so just go ahead and finish being the great Mom you are.  

  26. oh you poor thing i havent been able to bring myself to get out the clippers just yet myself because I am scared to death of clipping her finger...I think it is some kind of christening for us new haven't really been baptised into mommyhood until you snip your little ones was an accident I am sure it is no reflection of the kind of mother you are.  You are taking care of her hygeine so clearly you are a good mom!  Give her lots of kisses and cuddles and give yourself a break k...

  27. Don't worry about it, but don't make it a habit....just kidding, I know you didn't do it on purpose.  I'd like to know what mom hasn't done that before.  I would almost guarantee you that all moms do it at one time or another.  And yes it feels awful to do it, but really don't worry about it, I bet she's alright now and back to playing.

  28. Hello just today morning the same incident happened with my son too. I was biting his little finger nails and suddenly he pulled it way from my mouth and even i saw blood in his little thumb finger and i was also feeling bad as u felt and i consoled him he was showing his hurt finger to me and he is now sleeping. ummmm....... still feeling sad.

  29. Oh darling, I've done it twice now. The first time I cried like a baby and Em kept right on smiling at me. The second time I cried like a baby and Em gave me a dirty look, but again, no tears. It really is inevitable. I have to cut Em's nails every other day and she is so darn wiggly! I try to wait until she's asleep but  the older she gets, the less daytime sleep there is. What can you do? Don't feel badly! It happens to all of us and our kids love us anyway!  

  30. When my son was about a year old, I was giving him a bath and he started fighting me. I was trying to hold on to him, and he was trying to pull away, and he slipped and hit his face on the side of the tub. I pulled him out of the tub, and his EYE was BLEEDING!!!

    I took him to the hospital, they said everything was fine, and he got better. Now he doesn't remember it at all (he is almost 15 now).

    You are not the worst mother ever. Bad moms hurt their kids on purpose. The fact that you feel so guilty shows that you are not a bad mom.

    Hope this helps!!

  31. all mothers do this once, it isn't uncommon at all. But you've done it, it's out of your system. No worries, it doesn't sound like she hates you for it, better to do it while she can't remember. Your not the worst Mom, just normal like each and every one of us out there.  

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