
Please will you translate for me..Please?

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Gemeinsam mit den Ostalpen (Alpen) stellt die Donau das prägende naturräumliche Element Österreichs dar. Das Charakteristische der Donaulandschaften ist der häufige Wechsel zwischen engen und weiten Tallandschaften, wobei sich von Westen nach Osten folgender Ablauf ergibt: Passauer Tal, Eferdinger Becken, Linzer Pforte, Linz-Ardagger-Becken, Machland, Strudengau, Nibelungengau, Wachau, Tullner Becken (Tullnerfeld), Wiener Pforte, Wiener Becken, Marchfeld und Ungarische Pforte. Zwischen den Hundsheimer Bergen und den Kleinen Karpaten (Thebner Kogel) verlässt die Donau das österreichische Staatsgebiet. Die mittlere Durchflussmenge beträgt bei der Wiener Reichsbrücke 1922 m3/Sek., das Gefälle der Donau auf österreichischem Territorium 156 m. Die Gewässergüte des Stroms entspricht bis vor Wien der Güteklasse II, unterhalb Wiens der Güteklasse II-III von 4 Stufen.

Der Hauptstrom Österreichs hat im Hochsommer den höchsten, im Jänner den niedrigsten Wasserstand. Hydrographisch gehören 96 %




  1. Please ask a geologist, will you?

    The Danube is the most landscape forming river in the Eastern Alpes in Austria. The main characteristics of the Danube valley is the change between narrow and wide valleys, as can be seen on the map [now quote, as untranslatable]

    [Passauer Tal, Eferdinger Becken, Linzer Pforte, Linz-Ardagger-Becken, Machland, Strudengau, Nibelungengau, Wachau, Tullner Becken (Tullnerfeld), Wiener Pforte, Wiener Becken, Marchfeld und Ungarische Pforte.]

    Between the Hundsheimer Bergen and the Little Carpatians [yes, there IS a translation!] the Danube leaves the Austrian territory.

    The average flow rate as measured at the Reichsbrücke in Vienne is 1922 cubic meters per second (m3/s), the average decline of the river on Austrian territory is 156 meters.

    According to EU standards, the hygienic quality is 2 before Vienna, afterwards, it is 2 to 3 out of 4, while 4 is the baddest.

    [Rest weggelassen, da Originaltext fehlt

  2. I'm not a specialist for geography, but I think this'll give you a general idea, maybe then others can help with specific expressions.

    Along with the Eastern Alps (Alps), the Danube is the most significant element in Austrain nature. The characteristic trait of these Danube landscapes is their frequent change between narrow and wide valleys. These are, from the West to the East: Passau Valley, the Eferding Bassin, the Linz Pass, the Linz-Ardagg-Bassin, the Machland, the  Strudengau, the Nibelungengau, the Wachau, the Tulln Bassin or Tullnerfeld, the Vienna Pass, the Vienna Bassin, the Marchfeld and the Hungarian Pass. Between the Hundsheimer Mountains and the Little Carpathians (the Thebener Kogel) ((its Slovakian name is Devínska Kobyla)), the Danube leaves Austrian territory. 1922 cubic metres per second are the average flow rate measured at the Vienna Reichsbrücke. The decline of the Danube on Austrian territory is 156 m. Before the river enters Vienna, its water quality is level II, after it has gone through Vienna, II to III on a four level scale.

    At the height of the summer, Austrias main river has its highest water level, while it hits the low in January. Hydrographically, 96 percent belong....

    And that's where your text just breaks off. Hope this helps all the same.

  3. Something like this:

    Together with the Eastern Alps (Alpine), the Danube, the dominant naturräumliche element of Austria dar. The characteristic landscapes of the Danube is the frequent interaction between narrow and wide Tallandschaften, but from the west to the east end the following results: Passauer Valley, Eferdinger basin, Linzer gate, Linz - Ardagger Basin, Mach, Strudengau, Nibelungengau, Wachau, Tullner pools (Tullnerfeld), Viennese gate, the Vienna Basin, March field and Hungarian gate. Between the Hundsheimer mountains and the Little Carpathian (Thebner Kogel) leaves the Danube the Austrian territory. The average flow rate is at the Vienna Reichsbrücke 1922 m3/Sek. Narrowing the gap on the Danube Austrian territory 156 m. The water quality of the electricity corresponds to the front of the Vienna Grade II, under the Vienna Grade II-III of 4 stages.

    The main current of Austria, in mid-summer the highest, in January, the lowest water level. Hydrographisch include 96%

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