
Please women only answer. i need help.?

by Guest57646  |  earlier

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Okay, so I'm thirteen and have had hair 'down there' for a few years now, I don't know what to do with it. I don't want to shave it because I tried that once & it was seriously itchy when it grew back. I don't want to go to a salon & get it waxed because I would be too embarrassed. I heard you can trim it, how long should it be cut to? Please tell me what to do with it. Thankyou. x




  1. I would consider shaving again, but this time shave in the direction that the hair grows, rather than going against it. you could also try hair removal cream, but i've never had any success with them

  2. I remember being thirteen too! Don't worry yourself about it.  You can choose to trim it to any length that you're comfortable with.  Shaving rash is the worst thing and the itch is terrible so you're right to avoid that.  I choose to use Nair hair removal cream, that way I don't find it itchy when it starts to grow back.  

    Hope this helps you x

  3. You can buy wax strips and do it at home and it shouldn't hurt that much if you haven't shaved that often (when you shave they get thicker)

  4. well you can trim it to whatever length you want to. but if you did want to try shaving again, try using conditioner instead of shaving cream or gel, it irritates your skin alot less and use a ton of lotion after to help with the itching

  5. You don't need to trim it - nature put it there deliberately as it help to protect you down below.

    I'm not sure why you would want to trim it at 13, I mean, I wouldn't have thought you would be sexually active yet so no-one will know it's there but you, would they?

    But if you are self conscious about it, I would just remove the hair on the sides by using a mild Immac or Nair hair removal product. I use the one in the can as it comes with a free removal stick (that looks like a razor blade but hasn't any blades).

    I have a theory with hair removal and you can't go wrong with it:

    Razor the armpits

    Immac the bikini line

    Wax the legs

    and epilate the belly and chin hair!

  6. I would just leave it alone.But if you really want to make it look better for yourself just trim it to a comfortable length.

  7. Hmm.. Actually the trimmed length of the hair depends. But i advise to trim the hair to about 2~3mm close to the skin, as like this way, the hair will not be too long till it covers your clitoris or irritates your inner parts of your pubic area.

    Good Luck.

  8. hey your 13 don't worry about that your body is still growing ..and don't shave it again because it will be really itchy.....dont mind this problem  

  9. You don't necessarily have to cut or wax it. Not all girls are the same some trim, some shave, some just let it grow out. It will be itchy when it grows back regardless. So i guess it is really up to you =)

  10. Trimming can also be sticky. I tried it once and didn't like it either. You are supposed to have hair down there to protect you from germs that might want to wonder in, it's kind of like nose hair, it's supposed to there.

  11. wax it yourself  

  12. i know people might suggest hair removal cream but it says u shouldnt put it down there but if your too embarrased to go to a salon then why not wax it yourself!? or just get some nail scissors and cut it off.

  13. Well you could just leave it.

    But if you feel the need to do anything then trimming is probably your best option. Just trim it enough to make it tidy.

    I think waxing at your age might not be a good idea.

  14. you're 13. you shouldn't be worried about the hair "down there" yet. If I were you, I'd leave it alone.

  15. You could leave it alone?

    Everyone has pubic hair, there's no reason to be ashamed or anything.  I trim it a little bit before my period so it's easier to keep clean, but just leave it alone.

  16. Take a pair of scissors and trim it to a length you are comfortable with. I usually straddle the toilet when trimming, it makes for an easier clean up...all you do is flush!  

  17. No need to shave or wax. Just trim to however short you want it. I do. You shouldn't honestly worry about it. Having it all gone makes you look like a 5 year old. I find that kind of weird. I cut it real short and shave around the edges.  This is only my personal opinion. But yeah.. shouldn't really worry about it.  

  18. if u dont want to go for waxing, trim with sissors till the lengh u want, and if u wanna get rid of the side bits try a hair removal cream

  19. You don't have to do anything- lots of people don't do anything with it. It's just there. :P

    That said, if you want to keep things um, under control (some people are hairier than others, or you might just not like the feel), you can trim it with a comb and scissors (think getting your hair cut- comb it up and out, then trim), or even with a beard trimmer! I have a manual trimmer (which is essentially a blade between comb-like thingies). Whatever method you use, trimming is definitely a *lot* less itchy than shaving.  

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