
Please write three factors that led you to pursue a nursing aducation:!?

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Please write three factors that led you to pursue a nursing aducation:!?




  1. The word is education.

    1.  I love helping people

    2.  There is a great need for nurses, and the job outlook is great

    3.  There are many opportunities, and fields so that I can change and  keep a fresh outlook on my career.

  2. 1. My desire to have a career where I felt I was really contributing to something important, and helping other people.

    2. The positive experiences I have had in health care with nurses I have had, especially a Certified Nurse Midwife I had with my last pregnancy.

    3. A quick, 2 year degree which offers the best salary for a program of that length, job security for decades to come, and a wide variety of specialties and work settings so that I knew I would never get bored.

  3. 1) welding was full

    2)  I didn't know any better

    3)  I figured taking nursing for a year while I waited for welding would be something to do.

    Three factors why Im staying in

    1) money is good

    2) ?????????

    3) ?????????

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