
Pleaseeeeeee help me!?

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Well, I play for this team and they really suck, but their really coming along great. Then, this other team wanted me to see if I liked their team so I went to pratice with them. I thought they were really great. The only problem is that my coach on the less great team wants me to stay. What should I do?




  1. tell the coach that the only way you are gonna improve is if you practice/play with a higher skill level ability team. he should understand and if he doesnt than it shouldnt matter because its whats best for you. plus if your ability level is lower you may think about stayin with your sucky team. just in case you arent as good as the new team you arent holding them you understand? ik it is hard to play with sucky ppl but if you are bad then you should know whats best for the new team and dont go over there.

    if you are good...its another story...=]]]]]]]]]

    good luck! xDDDDDDDDDD

  2. Most definately go with the better team because you yourself can learn new things and become a better player but with the sucky team it's really boring. And also this could be a great move for college or something.

  3. If you want to get better goo with the better team

  4. well, if you don't owe them, then go with the better team. if it's team spirit you and a place to belong are wt u want, then stay. it just depends: if this a career move or a hobby sport?

  5. I was going to talk about Integrity, but then I read gettymarbach's post. That deserves the best answer, period. By the way, Integrity means following through with what you promise or commit to.

    All you have in this life that no one but you can destroy is your integrity. When you commit to something, then change to something else the minute something better comes along, you lose a little bit of integrity. You only have a little bit of it to start with so when you lose it, it's gone. Anyone that knows you will have lost all respect for you. It starts when you are young, so make the right choice.

    EDIT: Or you could just say s***w it and look out for #1.  After all, no one really cares about Integrity and Respect anymore, right Riley M, entreprise w?

  6. to be honest with you i would leave them so that u can improve on your skills and so that you wont be payin a lot of money to lose every single game

    and if you go with the better team you can learn from your mistakes by watching the other players on the beter team

  7. I would say if its just a fun league, stay with your current team because you've committed to them and as you say they are getting better.

    If it is a serious league with possibility of being recruited for college or something, go with the better team and look out for yourself first.  

    Best of luck.

  8. I believe in making a commitment. You committed to this team. As a team and a coach it is hard to reach your potential when players don't believe in commitment and don't stick to their word. Next season put a little more thought into who you play for and with. If you want to play with better players next time, then make sure to focus as an individual this season on what will make you better. Just because your team is somewhat lacking, doesn't mean you can't improve, it just takes more focus on your part. If you feel like you really like practicing and get better when you practice with the other team, ask if you can continue to practice with them once a week for the rest of season as a practice player. The other problem with switching teams is you don't know if you will be a starter. And if you will be a starter, who are you pushing out of their starter spot. And your coach now will be left hanging. When you don't stick to commitments people get hurt.

  9. To tell you the truth I would stay with the not so good team to the end of the season then after it is over switch to the other team. I mean you can't hold yourself back because you feel sorry for them.

  10. yeah that is a really tough decission. I would go on the team that would help u improve your volleyball skills even if it does mean letting someone down.

  11. i think you should go on the better team if you want to get better and if it more than a hobby. but if you have awesome friends and a nice coach on the less great team, you should stick with them. just like with friends, you should always be there for the bad and the good times!

  12. If you need help learning how to serve first learn how to throw a softball or baseball .

  13. Honor the commitment to the first team.  You do not want to get a reputation as a person that quits teams.  At the end of your commitment to the first team, go ahead and switch teams.  

    Commitment is VERY important.  I supervise college referees.  If they make a commitment to work a match and then they drop it, I usually do not have a problem if they do it once.  If it becomes a habit, their schedule becomes smaller next year.  (I have one referee that had 10 matches 2 years ago and turned back 6.  I gave him 4 last year and he turned back 2.  He may not get any matches this year.)

  14. for this season, you probably signed a letter of commitment, or something like that. it basically means that you committed to that club, and you will play for them for the season. if you didn't you can change clubs. the problem is how good your morals are. your morals tell you what is right and what is wrong. what is the right thing to do here? since you said that the "sucking" team was getting better, i would stay with that team. you committed to that team, not only through the letter, but through your actions. you told the members of the team, "hey, i'm here for you, i joined this club to play volleyball with you." the team expects you to be there with them. it is not only the coach who wants you to stay, but the entire team. so far, going to one of there practices said, "hey, i may be here, but i may stick with another club." they want you to stay with them, but if you don't, they won't be disappointed. you will be letting down your coach, and your whole team, to win. if you have good morals, stick with it, if you don't, join the other team. remember you don't have to win, to play good volleyball and have fun (although winning is nice).

  15. If you like the good team for more reasons than the fact that their good, sure go with them do what you wanna do and be happy. but if u have friends and a really nice coach on the bad team then think how much you would miss them and weather or not or like the kids on the team and the coach. the team might be better but if their not nice its not worth it.

  16. you have to leave the team if you want to develop your game
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