
Pleases tell what the english translation for Darf ich dir verräumen??

by  |  earlier

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A guy said it so I wnat to know what he said.

Please and thankyou.




  1. "can i **** you?" lol

  2. Well, that sentence is suppose to be German...but it is not.

    "verräumen" is not a German Word.

    Your friend is either not German or you must have misunderstood.

  3. I'm very sorry to tell you that "verräumen" isn't really a German word.

    It would mean "May I...", but without the right verb this sentence doesn't really make sense... ;-)

    Who said this? Was he a native speaker? Maybe he wanted to say something different...

    Sorry I couldn't really help you.

  4. Well Darf ich is "may I" ofcourse. And you also may know dir is you, however the verräumen get's me. Not really a German word, but I can understand räumen, which means to clear or vacate. I think the guy was asking: "May I clear that for you" or something along the lines of that.

    Viel Glück auf Deutsch!

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