so me and my boyfriend of 2 years, have been on a one month break for a couple weeks now..and i'm kind of confused, not about me and him.
but me as a single person
we started going out when i had just turned i've never REALLY experienced being single, because i mean i was so young that no one treated the single life as the single lifee
supposedly...i'm considered a "hot chick"
but i've never seen myself as the girl guys ACTUALLY fell for...just thought was hot.
this kid i know just told me in the sweetest way that he really wanted to get to know me
i explained to him that i didnt feel comfortable getting too close to him, because i felt wrong going off and acting like i was really single because i'm still in a relationship...we're just on a break, nothings ended completely.
he completely understood and he agrees with me and says he wants to just get to know me and doesnt want anything to be rushed
he's been really sweet and wants to take me on a date to get to know me...
so...i don't know how to act on a date...i know i should be myself but what are do's and dont's
when i had a boyfriend all this was easy for me to figure out what was right and wrong because i knew him so well...
i don't want to mess this up, i want guys to know i'm not the easy girl they'd expect me to be and i want them to know how sweet i really what are things i could do that are flirty but not S****y...i just want to be thought of as cute and not an attention whoree
please helpp
also...when i told this person that i feel like the kind of girl that gets called hot but no one actually ends up liking...he admitted that he thought that way about me too but after seeing how loyal i was to my boyfriend during this break and knowing that i wasn't going out and hooking up with random guys he thought it was really cool of me that i could handle this so well and realized he really wanted to get to know me...
but i'm afraid that most guys think that about me...and i dont wantt to be the "hot girl" i want to be the girl the guys actually like, not for a random hook up, but for a long term relationship
i want guys to like me for who i am but most of them don't seem interested in really knowing me, just getting to know my body...